Monday, April 27, 2009

Do You Know The Truth?

The Bible says that we are all sinners (Rom. 3:23, Romans 3:13).

This means that WE HAVE all offended God. Because of this, we are separated from God (Isaiah 59:2), are dead in our sins (Rom. 6:23; Eph. 2:3), cannot please God (Rom. 3:10-11), and will suffer damnation (2 Thess. 1:9).

Therefore, Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and rose from the grave to save us (Isa. 53:6).

Salvation is found by trusting in what Jesus did on the cross (John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1 Pet. 2:24,

John 1:12, Acts 16:30,31,

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16)


Be Sure that you can have ETERNITY in Heaven today by meaningfully praying this prayer. Pray this prayer, and mean it with all your heart.

Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and unless you save me I am lost forever. I thank you for dying for me on the Cross and taking my Hell for me. I come to you now, Lord the best way I know how, and ask you to save me. I now receive you as my Savior. In Jesus Christ Name, Amen.
"If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED- Romans 10:9



He authored the authoritative three-volume text, A Treatise on the Law of Evidence (1842), which is still considered "the greatest single authority on evidence in the entire literature of legal procedure."1 Greenleaf literally wrote the rules of evidence for the U.S. legal system. He was an atheist until he accepted a challenge by his students to investigate the case for Christ's resurrection. Greenleaf became a Christian and wrote the classic, Testimony of the Evangelists. "Let [the Gospel's] testimony be sifted, as it were given in a court of justice on the side of the adverse party, the witness being subjected to a rigorous cross-examination. The result, it is confidently believed, will be an undoubting conviction of their integrity, ability, and truth."2- Taken from Lee Strobel

Sir Lionel Luckhoo (1914-1997) is considered one of the greatest lawyers in British history. He's recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the "World's Most Successful Advocate," with 245 consecutive murder acquittals. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II -- twice. Luckhoo declared: "I humbly add I have spent more than 42 years as a defense trial lawyer appearing in many parts of the world and am still in active practice. I have been fortunate to secure a number of successes in jury trials and I say unequivocally the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt."3- Lee Strobel

The Bible was written for God to reach out to his people. God has inspired the authors to write what he wanted to say, to tell people about his love for them. 2Timothy 3:16; 2Peter 1:20-21; John 10:35; 17:17).

  • When writing, they were moved by God’s Holy Spirit. (2Peter 1:21). v The Bible is unique because through all it’s 40 authors, written over a 1,500 year span; over 40 generations, it has the same message throughout.

  • There IS Evidence THAT IT IS Divinely inspired AS IT touches on astounding remarkable evidence of History , Science, Mathematics Medicine to the finest detail. It also has Numeral Mathematics within the words, as well as THOUSANDS of Bible codes threaded within and throughout the BIBLE

  • It makes no mistakes or no contridictions in the orginal Hebrew text that the bible was written in. The Bible states facts that scientific advancements not revealed for thousands of years. It is an evidence it was truly inspired by God.

  • The Bible speaks scientific truth before it being discovered. The Bible describes God hanging the earth "on nothing" (Job 26:7). This was written millennia before Isaac Newton discovered the invisible laws of gravity that showed the earth truly is suspended "on nothing."

  • The bible stands separate compared to every other ancient creation account. The Bible pictures the creation of the earth in a very scientific manner. In Genesis 1, the continents are lifted from the seas. Then vegetation is created and, later, animal life—all reproducing "according to its kind"—recognizing fixed genetic laws. The Bible is historical, faithfully reflecting society and culture as history and archaeology would discover them thousands of years later.

  • The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in A.D. 1947 provided an incredible proof for the authenticity and reliability of the Old Testament. The Scrolls comprise some 800 documents in tens of thousands of fragments. They confirm word for word identical to the Hebrew Bible. These manuscripts are 1000 years OLDER than the previous oldest manuscripts we have ever found.

  • It is INTERESTING that the oldest documents EVER found ARE THE Dead Sea Scrolls. (AGAINST ALL ODDS they would even survive and TESIFY to the Maker of the world and bring glory to our father YHWH. They were saved in the precise location with the precise temperature and without sunlight.

  • The bible is intact, compared to all the ancient works of substantial size. This is against all odds and expectations. There are now more than 5,300 known Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. Add to that over 10,000 Latin Vulgate and at least 9,300 other early versions and we have MORE THAN 24,000 manuscript copies of portions of the New Testament in existence.

  • No other document of ancient times even begins to approach such numbers and confirmation. In comparison with other ancient documents that have available copies versus the originals are - (Caesar-10 copies which are 1000 years older), (Tacitus 20 copies which are 1000 years older) and (Plato 7 copies which are 1200 years older)

  • As mentioned above, the Most ASTOUNDING Evidence that YHWH has inspired the bible is the THOUSANDS of ELS Codes, (known as the bible codes) found buried under the text . Check out Evidence below that discuss the evidence. Also a fantastic site for a list of codes found.

  • Gleason Archer, a scholar of biblical studies and languages of recent years, writes about attributes of the Bible: "As I have dealt with one apparent discrepancy after another and have studied the alleged contradictions between the biblical record and the evidence of linguistics, archaeology, or science, my confidence in the trustworthiness of Scripture has been repeatedly verified and strengthened by the discovery that almost every problem in Scripture that has ever been discovered by man, from ancient times until now, has been dealt with in a completely satisfactory manner by the biblical text itself-or else by objective archaeological information" (Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1982, p. 12).

  • Frank E. Gaebelein, an eminently qualified author and general editor of The Expositor's Bible Commentary, has remarked that "the attitude of suspended judgment toward Bible difficulties . . . is constantly being vindicated, as archaeology has solved one Biblical problem after another, and as painstaking re-examination of discrepancies has finally led to answers" (The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1979, Vol. 1. p. 31).

Evidence 2

A. The Incredible LINE the Messiah Had to Be Born through

Prophecy Odds- (10 To the 2nd Power (1 in 10,000) Jesus would be a Descendant of David
As the Seed of the woman, Messiah had to come out of humanity.

As the Seed of Abraham, Messiah had to come from the nation of Israel.

As the Seed of Judah, he had to be of the tribe of Judah.

As the Seed of David, he had to be of the family of David.

The Davidic line reaches through The line of Seth to Noah,

Through the line of Shem to Abraham Genesis 22:18; 12; 17; 22.

He would be a descendant of Abraham's son, Isaac, not Ishmael (Gen. 17; 21).

Then Through the lines of Isaac, (Gen. 17; 21)

Through the lines of Jacob , not Esau (Gen. 28; 35:10-12; Num. 24:17).

Through the lines of Judah, More specifically, he would be a descendant of Judah, not of the other eleven brothers of Jacob. Fulfilled: See Christ's genealogy in Matthew 1.

More specifically, he would be a descendant of the family of Jesse in the tribe of Benjamin (Isaiah 11:1-5). Fulfilled: See Christ's genealogy in Matthew 1 and Luke 3:23-38

More specificially, he would be of the house of David (2 Samuel 7:12-16; Jeremiah 23:5; Psalm 89:3-4). Fulfilled: See Christ's genealogy in Matthew 1; Luke 1:27, 32, 69.

Note: Since the the Jewish genealogical records were destroyed in 70 A.D., along with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, it would not be possible for a Messiah imposter who was born later to prove his lineage back to David and thus fulfill this prophecy. The MESSIAH had to be born in the line of David according to 2 Samuel 7:12-13.

B : His Unnatural Birth. It was prophesied that the Messiah must be born from a virgin (Isa 7:14), and this was fulfilled when Jesus was born (Mt 1:22-23).

Prophecy Tells US GOD Picked the City of Bethlehem for The Messiah to be Born in. Odds 10 to 5th Power (1 Chance in 100,000) Jesus would be born in Bethlehem
God eliminated all the cities of the world and selected Bethlehem, with a population of less than a thousand, as the Messiah's birthplace (Mic 5:2).
Christ's birth in Bethlehem was apparently not by the choice of Mary and Joseph; it was forced upon them by Caesar Augustus' taxation decree which required Joseph to leave his home in the city of Nazareth and return to his place of origin to pay the tax.

D. Feast of Tabernacles- God Pernounces the Messiah to be BORN WITHIN HIS Feast.

*The Uniqueness of God is shown in his consistency. In everything he does, he wants to lead people TO HIM. For 1000 years followers of the holy Bible Scriptures came to Bethlehem and celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles. In Leviticus 23 it tells us that we are to celebrate this festival by humble ways such as living in sukkahs or tents remembering what the delervance of Gods people out of slavery in Egypt, in the exodus. AND ASTONISHINGLY, Faithful believers knew that their Messiah would be born DURING this festival in Bethlehem. AND HE WAS!

*There are 5 main feasts in the bible that forshadow events that are to take place in the future. The one - Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot is WHEN Jesus was born IN A HUMBLE shelter, somewhat a forshadowing of what God told people to do during this festival; sleeping in temporary shelters. Today we still keep this festival amongst others.

E: Young babies would die in an attempt to kill Yeshua at His birth.(Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:16-18) An Angel told Mary and Joseph to escape to Egypt before they went about killing all the new borns! A miracle from GOD

F: Astronomy Predicted his birth

Evidence 3

  • An astonishing 668 prophecies have been fulfilled and none have ever been proven false . An honest study of biblical prophecy will compellingly show the divine authorship of the Bible.

  • Jesus fulfilled over 300 messianic prophecies written in the Old Testament scriptures.

  • There are 2,000 prophecies that discuss past events which have come to pass (proven correct), future prophecies and 300 prophecies (ALL proven correct and detailed) on the implications about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

There has been no prophetic failures in the Bible

  • While there are both obvious and subtle prophecies, most are very detailed and specific.

  • No other religion has specific, repeated, and unfailing fulfillment of predictions many years in advance of contingent events over which the predictor had no control.

  • Studies of psychics show only around 8% of their predictions come true and virtually all of these can be attributed to chance and a general knowledge of circumstances.

  • Mathematicians have calculated the odds of Jesus fulfilling only 8 of the Messianic prophecies as 1 out of 1017 (a 1 followed by 17 zeros). This is equivalent to covering the entire state of Texas with silver dollars 2 feet deep, marking one of them, mixing them all up and having a blind-folded person select the marked one at random the first time.


Fulfilled prophecy is powerful evidence that the Bible is divine rather than human in origin.
The Messiah would have had 456 identifying characteristics. These are told to us through the Prophecies of the Old Testemant. In Fact, Jesus fulfilled them all.

I. Prophecy Odds 10 to 5th Power (1 Chance in 100,000) Jesus would be born in Bethlehem

II. Prophecy Odds- 10 To the 2nd Power (1 in 10,000) Jesus would be a Descendant of David

III. Prophecy Odds 10 to the 5th Power (1 Chance in 100,000) Jesus would be a miracle Worker

IV. Prophecy Odds 10 to the 6th Power (1 Chance in 1,000,000) Jesus would present himself as a King riding on a donkey

V. Prophecy Odds 10 to the 6th Power (1 Chance in 1,000,000) Jesus would be betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver

VI. Prophecy Odds 10 to the 6th Power (1 Chance in 1,000,000) Jesus would be Crucified

VII. Prophecy Odds 10 to the 6th Power (1 Chance in 1,000,000) Jesus would first present Himself as King 173,880 days from the decree of Artazerxes to rebuild Jerusalem

- Total Probability without GOD 10 to the 38 Power - (1 Chance in 100 BILLION, BILLION, BILLION, BILLION)-(4 Billions)

-Professor Emeritus of Science at Westmont College, Peter Stoner, has calculated the probability of one man fulfilling the major prophecies made concerning the Messiah. Twelve different classes representing some 600-university students worked out the estimates. 1 in (10 157POWER) that one man could fulfill even 48 (F O U R T Y - e i g h t ) of these Old Testament prophecies.
The chances of one person fulfilling 48 of the over 300 prophecies is one chance in a (trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion,trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion.)Yet Jesus Christ fulfilled over 300 (O v e r T h r e e H U N D R E D !)

Finally, he submitted his figures for review to a committee of the American Scientific Affiliation. Upon examination,
they verified that his calculations were dependable and accurate in regard to the scientific material presented (Peter Stoner, Science Speaks, Chicago: Moody Press, 1969, 4).


Jesus DID NOT manipulate events to fulfill prophecy.

  • Many prophecies were out of his control (ancestry, place of birth, time of death).
  • His miracles confirmed Jesus to be the Messiah.
  • There is no evidence that Jesus was a deceiver.
  • In order to manipulate all the people (including his enemies) and even his disciples to make it appear that he was the Messiah, Jesus would have needed supernatural powers. If he had such powers, he must have been the Messiah he claimed to be.
  • (a) Jesus Christ Could NOT Control In Advance - The Place of the Messiah’s birth (Micah 5:2).

    (b) Jesus Christ Could NOT Control In Advance –The Date of the Messiah’s birth (Daniel 9:25).

    (c) Jesus Christ Could NOT Control In Advance - Manner of birth of the Messiah (Isaiah 7:14).

    (d) Jesus Christ Could NOT Control In Advance - The Manner of death of the Messiah (Zechariah 12:10; Psalm 22:16 prophesied before the invention of crucifixion).

    (e) Jesus Christ Could NOT Control In Advance -Piercing in side of that Messiah After He was Dead(Zechariah 12:10).
    (f) Jesus Christ Could NOT Control In Advance – The Details of the Burial of the Messiah(Isaiah 53:9).

    (g) Jesus Christ Could NOT Control In Advance - Executers dividing up Jesus’s clothes after he died on the cross

    Evidence 3: Fulfilled Prophecy NON Messianic Prophecies

    The Succession of Great World Kingdoms (Daniel 2:37-42) Even negative critics agree that Daniel foretold the governments in order of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome TODAY. In Daniel 2:1-3 His dream gives us a “disclosure of God’s plan for the ages till the final triumph of Christ” and “presents the foreordained succession of world powers that are to dominate the Near East till the final victory of the Messiah in the last days” (Expositor’s Bible, pp. 39, 46).

    Daniels 69 Weeks The accuracy of Daniel's prophecies of remotely distant events is spectacular. The "70 weeks" prophecy recorded in Daniel 9: 24- 27 "Daniel predicts the precise year of Christ's appearance and the beginning of his ministry in A.D 27" (The Expositor's Bible commentary, pg 9)

    Cyrus King of Persia (Isaiah 44:28-45:1). Since Isaiah lived between about 740 and 690 BC and Cyrus did not make his proclamation for Israel to return from exile until about 536 (Ezra 1), there would have been no human way for him to know what Cyrus would be named or what Cyrus would do.

    Israel to Be Returned to Its Land A Second Time (Isaiah 11:11-12). The first time God reclaimed a people was from Egypt through the Exodus; the second time is from the Babylonian Exile (Isaiah 51:9-11)

    The Closing of the Golden Gate (Ezekiel 44:2-3). The Golden Gate is the eastern gate of Jerusalem, through which Christ made his triumphal entry on Palm Sunday before the crucifixion (Matthew 21). Ezekiel predicted its closing and in 1543 Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent closed the gate and walled it up, not knowing he was fulfilling prophecy. It remains sealed to this day exactly as the Bible predicted.

    The Destruction of Tyre (Ezekiel 26:3-14). The prophecy was partly fulfilled when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the city and left it in ruins. Alexander the Great later attacked the seemingly impregnable Island of Tyre by taking the stones, dust, and timber from the ruined mainland city to build a causeway to the Island. This prophecy is comparable to saying that Chicago will be destroyed and never rebuilt.

    The Doom of Edom (Petra) (Jeremiah 49:15-17). Given the virtually impregnable nature of the ancient city carved out of rock and protected by a narrow passageway, this was an incredible prediction. Yet, in 636 AD it was conquered by Muslims and today stands deserted but for tourists.

    Flourishing of the Desert in Palestine (Ezekiel 36:33-35). Since before the turn of the twentieth century, Israel has been renovated and Israel's agriculture is flourishing.

    Destruction of Jerusalem (Mark 13:1-2). Fulfilled literally when the Romans completely destroyed Jerusalem and the temple buildings. According to historian and eyewitness Josephus, some of the stones were 37 feet long, 12 feet high and 18 feet wide. Stones were even pried apart to collect the gold leaf that melted from the roof when the temple was set on fire.
    Evidence 2:The Testimony of Fulfilled Prophecy IN OUR TIME! The Bible is talking about OUR DAY!

    PROPHECY of coming events in our day:

    (Reference: Ray Comfort)

    i. The rebirth of Israel and the rebuilding of the Temple.Did you know that no nation that has ceased to exist has EVER come back into being after 2000 years of not being a nation? The Bible says that Israel would come back in the end times and that the Temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. See Ezekiel 37, 2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 11 For information on the rebuilding of the temple, go here and click on "Preparations for the Rebuilding of the Temple":[link to]

    ii. The rebirth of the Roman Empire.-See Daniel 2, Daniel 7 - THIS is HAPPENING

    iii. The Bible foretold that we would have to have a mark on our right hand or our forehead to buy or sell. - Revelation 13 John describes a one-world government with cashless money system that worked with a mark on each person's hand or forehead. "How did John know?"

    iv. The Bible foretold that there would be an army of 200 million. Before the 20th century the population of the world was such that an army of that magnitude was inconceivable.- Revelation 9:13-19 (18) John describes an army of two hundred million soldiers that will cross the Euphrates river from the east. At that time there weren't even two hundred million people on the earth let alone in one army. Today China boasts of an army of two hundred million soldiers. John describes this army as riding on horses with breastplates and of which out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur. They had power in their tails and were used to kill a third of mankind. It sounds like John is describing modern day warfare with tanks. He called them horses because that was the only mode of transportation then.

    v. False Bible teachers would be money hungry. They would be smooth talkers, have many followers, and slur the Christian faith (2 Peter 2:1-3) See some at:

    vi. Homosexuality would be increasingly evident at the end of the age (2 Timothy 3:3)

    vii. Earthquakes would be in diverse places (Matthew 24:7)

    viii. Stress would be part of living (2 Timothy 3:1)

    ix. Many wars would erupt (Matthew 24:6)

    x. People would forsake the Ten Commandments as a moral code, committing adultery, stealing, lying, and killing (Matthew 24:12)

    xi. There would be a cold religious system, in denying God's power (2 Timothy 3:5)

    xii. Men would substitute fantasy in place of Christian truth (2 Timothy 4:4). This is so evident at Christmas when the birth of the Savior is lost behind the myth of Santa Claus.

    xiii. Deadly diseases would be prevalent (Matthew 24:7). The worldwide increase in AIDS deaths is almost inestimable. Over 160,000 Americans die of cancer each year.

    xiv. The fact that God once flooded the earth (the Noahic flood) would be denied (2 Peter 3:5-6 There is a mass of fossil evidence to prove this fact, yet it is flatly ignored by the scientific world because of its uncanny implication.

    xv. The institution of marriage would be forsaken by many (1 Timothy 4:3)

    xvi. There would be an increase in famines (Matthew 24:7)

    xvii. Increase in vegetarianism would increase (1 Timothy 4:3-4)

    xviii. There would be a cry for peace (1 Thessalonians 5:3)

    xix. The possession of Jerusalem would be at the center of international turmoil (Zechariah 12:3)

    xx. Knowledge would increase (Daniel 12:4)

    xxi. There would be hypocrites within the Church (Matthew 13:25-30)

    xxii. There would be an increase of religious cults/false teachers (Matthew 24:11 & 24)

    xxiii. The future would seem fearful to many (Luke 21:26)

    xxiv. Humanity would become materialistic (2 Timothy 3:4)

    xxv. There would be many involved in travel (Daniel 12:4)

    xxvi. The Christian Gospel would be preached as a warning to all nations (Matthew 24:14)

    xxvii. Jesus said Christians would be hated "for His name's sake" (Matthew 24:9)

    xxviii. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. (Luke 21:25-26).

    xxix. Youth would become rebellious. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy (2 Timothy 3:2)

    xxx. Men would mock the warning signs of the end of the age saying, "for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." (2 Peter 3:4). The Bible even reveals their motivation, they love lust (verse 3).
    They fail to understand that a day to the Lord is as a thousand years to us. God is not subject to the time that He created. He can flick through time as we flick through the pages of a history book. The reason He seems to be silent, is because He is patiently waiting, not willing that any perish, but that all come to repentance.

    xxxi. Zechariah 14:12-16 (19) Describes a battle which God will use to judge the nations (compare with Revelation 19:17-21 (20)). He describes the "plague" like this: "Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths." This sounds gory but we can't escape the similarities to the destruction of people by nuclear warfare and fallout or biological or chemical warfare. How did Zechariah know? There was nothing comparable to this at all in his day. The most likely explanation is that God, who can see the future, told him, thus verifying the Bible.

    Evidence 3
    JESUS CHRIST FULLFILLED OVER 300 Prophecies FORTOLD BEFORE HE WAS BORN Found In the Old Testament Scriptures

    1. Messiah to be the seed of the Woman Claimed in Genesis 3:15 Fullfilled in Luke 2:5-7 & Galatians 4:4

    2. Messiah to be the seed of Abraham Claimed in Genesis 12:2-3, 18:18 Fulfilled in Matthew 1: 1-2, Luke 3:34, Acts 3: 25 Galatians 3:16

    3. Messiah to be of the tribe of Judah Found in Genesis 49:10 Fulfilled in Matthew 1:1-2

    4. Messiah to be of the seed of David- 2 Samuel 7:16 , Psalm 132:11 , Jeremiah 23:5, 33:15 Fulfilled in Matthew 1:6, 22:42-45 ,Luke 1:31-33 Acts 2:29-30 , Romans 1:3

    5. Messiah to be born of a virgin Found in Isaiah 7:14, Fullfulled in Matthew 1:18-25 , Luke 1:26-38

    6. Messiah to be born in Bethlehem, Found in Micah 5:2, Fullfilled in Matthew 2:1-6 , Luke 2:4-6

    7. Tribute paid to Messiah by great kings Found in Psalm 72:10-11, Fullfilled in Matthew 2:1-11

    8. He will be a priest after the order of Melchisedek (Melchisedec) (Psalm 110:4). Fulfilled: Hebrews 5:6

    9. He will come while the Temple of Jerusalem is standing ( Malachi 3:1; Psalm 118:26; Daniel 9:26; Zechariah 11:13; Haggai 2:7-9). Fulfilled: Matthew 21:12, etc. (Note: The Temple did not exist at certain periods in Jewish history, and it was finally destroyed in 70 AD.

    10. He will perform many miracles (Isaiah 35:5-6).

    11. He will open the eyes of the blind (Isa. 29:18). Fulfillment: Matt 9:27-31; 12:22; 20:29; Mark 8:22-26; 10:46; Luke 11:14; 18:35; John 9:1-7.

    12. He will speak in parables (Psalm 78:2). Fulfillment: Matthew 13:34, etc.

    13. The Gentiles will believe in Him, while His own people (the Jews) will reject him ( Isaiah 8:14; 28:16; 49:6; 50:6; 60:3; Psalms 22:7-8; 118:22). Fulfillment: 1 Peter 2:7, etc.
    14. A messenger (a man of the wilderness) will prepare the way for Him (Isa. 40:3; Malachi 3:1). See John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1-3; 11:10; John 1:23; Luke 1:17).

    15. He will enter Jerusalem riding a donkey (the colt of an ass) (Zechariah 9:9). Fulfillment: Matt. 21:5; Luke 19:32-37.

    16. He will be hated for no reason (Psalm 69:4). Fulfillment: John 15:25.

    17. He will be betrayed (Psalm 41:9). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10.

    18. More specifically, He will be betrayed by a friend (Psalm 41:9). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10; 26:47-48.

    19. The price of his betrayal will be thirty pieces of silver (Zech. 11:12). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10.

    20. The betrayal money will be cast onto the floor (Zech. 11:13). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:5.

    21. More specifically, it will be cast onto the floor of the Temple (Zech. 11:13). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10.

    22. The betrayal money will be used to buy a potter's field (Zech. 11:13). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:6-10.

    23. He will not open his mouth to defend himself (Isaiah 53:7). Fulfillment: Matthew 27:12.

    24. He will be beaten and spit upon (Isaiah 50:6). Fulfillment: Matthew 26:67; 27:26-30.

    25. He will be "numbered with the transgressors" (Isaiah 53:12). Fulfillment: Jesus was crucified as a criminal in between two thieves (Mat 27:38).

    26. He will be pierced (Zechariah 12:10). Fulfillment: John 19:34

    27. His hands and feet will be pierced (Psalm 22:16; cf. Zechariah 12:10; Galatians 3:13).

    28. Crucifixion foretold. Psalm 22 graphically prophecies the Messiah's manner of death. At the time the psalm was written (and long after), the penalty for blasphemy was stoning. However, at the time Jesus was condemned by the Sanhedrin, it no longer had the legal right to put people to death. Thus, the case was taken to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate who crucified him according to Roman custom (see: Crucifixion).

    29. His bones will not be broken (Psalm 34:20; Exodus 12 states that the Passover lamb's bones are not to be broken.). Fulfillment: John 19:33.

    30. They will divide his clothing and cast lots for them (Psalm 22:18). Fulfillment: John 19:23-24.

    31. He will be given vinegar and gall to drink (Psalm 69:21). Fulfillment: Matthew 27:34, 48.

    32. He will say: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Psalm 22:1). Fulfillment: Matthew 27:46.

    33. He will be buried with the rich (Isaiah 53:9). Fulfillment: Matthew 27.

    34. He will not decay (Psalm 16:10). Fulfillment: Acts 2:31

    35. He will be resurrected from the dead (Psalm 16:10). Fulfillment: Acts 2:31, etc. See: "Resurrection of Christ".

    36. He will ascend into heaven (Psalm 68:18). Fulfillment: Acts 1:9.

    37. He will be seated at the right hand of God (Psalm 110:1). Fulfillment: Hebrews 1:3.

    38. He will be the Son of God (Psa. 2:7). Fulfilled: Matthew 3:17, etc.

    39. Messiah to be heralded by a messenger Isaiah 40:3 Malachi 3:1 Fullfillment : Matthew 3:1-3

    40. Messiah to be the Son of God Psalm 2:2,7 Fulfilled Matthew 3:17 Luke 1:32-33

    41. Messiah to be anointed by the Holy Spirit Isaiah 11:2 Fullfilled Matthew 3:16-17

    42. Galilee to be the first area of Messiah's ministry Isaiah 9:1-7 Fulfilled Matthew 4:12-16

    43. Messiah to be meek and mild Isaiah 40:11, 42:2-3, 53:7 Fulfilled Matthew 12:18-20, 26:62-68

    44. Messiah to minister to the Gentiles Isaiah 42:1, 49:6-8 Fullfilled Matthew 12:21Luke 2:28-32

    45. Messiah will perform miracles Isaiah 35:5-6 Fullfilled Matthew 9:35, 11:3-6, John 9:6-7

    46. Messiah to be a prophet like Moses Deuteronomy18:15-19 Fullfilled Matthew 21:11, 24:1-35, John 1:45, 6:14, Acts 3:20-23

    47. Messiah to enter the temple with authority Malachi 3:1-2 Fullfilled - Matthew 21:12

    48. Messiah will enter Jerusalem on a donkey Zechariah 9:9-10 Fullfilled Matthew 21:1-11

    49. Messiah to be betrayed by a friend Psalm 41:9 Fullfilled John 13:18-21

    50. Messiah to be forsaken by his disciples Zechariah 13:7 Fullfilled Matthew 26:31, 56

    51. Messiah will be smitten (struck) Isaiah 50:6 Fullfilled Matthew 26:67, 27:26,30

    52. Messiah to experience crucifixion (long before crucifixion was invented) Psalm 22:15-17 Fullfilled Matthew 27:34-50 John 19:28-30

    53. Messiah will be pierced Zechariah 12:10 Fullfilled in John 19:34-37

    54. Details of Messiah's suffering and death and resulting salvation (hundreds of years before Christ!)

    55. Messiah to die in 33 AD Daniel 9:24-26 33 AD is the widely accepted historical date of the crucifixion

    56. Casting of lots for His garments Psalm 22:18 Fullfilled in John 19:23-24

    57. Messiah to be raised from the dead Psalm 16:10 Fullfilled Acts 2:25-31, 13:32-37, 17:2-3

    58. Messiah's resurrection Job 19:25Psalm 16:10 Fullfilled Acts 2:30-31, 13:32-35, 17:2-3 - 1 Corinthians 15:20-22

    59. Messiah to ascend to heaven Psalm 68:18 Fullfilled Luke 24:51 Acts 1:9 Ephesians 4:8-13

    60. Messiah to be at the right hand of God Psalm 110:1 Matthew 26:64 Mark 14:62 Romans 8:34 Hebrews 1:3

    61. He would be like a lamb going to the slaughter.(Isaiah 53:7; Acts 8:26-35)

    62. He is King of the Jews (and the world).(Psalm 2:6; John 18:33,37; 19:19-22)

    63. He would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:4-6; John 7:42) BUT He would be from Nazareth and be called a Nazarene. (Matthew 2:23; Luke 1:26-27; John 1:45; Judges 13:5-7,24)

    64. The exact time of His crucifixion was known (483 years from the decree to build the temple, which was around 444 B.C.E.). (Daniel 9:25; Nehemiah 2:1-8; 5:14)

    65. He would be circumcised the eighth day according to the law of purification. (Luke 2:21-24; Leviticus 12:1-6)

    66. He would go to Egypt and return to the land of Israel.(Hosea 11:1; Matthew 2:13-15)

    67. Young babies would die in an attempt to kill Yeshua at His birth.(Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:16-18)

    68. The ministry of Yeshua would be in Galilee.(Isaiah 9:1-2; Matthew 4:12-16,23)

    69. He would not seek publicity.(Isaiah 42:1-2; Matthew 12:15-19; 9:30; 8:4)

    70. He can be trusted and would be compassionate.(Isaiah 42:3; Matthew 12:15,20-21)

    71. No evil words would proceed from His mouth. (Isaiah 53:9; Luke 23:41; 1 Peter 2:21-22; 2 Corinthians 5:21)

    72. His disciples would forsake Him.(Zechariah 13:7; Matthew 26:31-35,56)

    73. There was nothing physically beautiful in Him to be desired.(Isaiah 53:2; Psalm 22:6; Mark 6:1-3; Philippians 2:7)

    74. He would be sold for 30 pieces of silver.(Zechariah 11:12; Matthew 26:14-16)

    75. He would be nailed to a tree.(Deuteronomy 21:22-23; Psalm 22:16; John 19:18; 20:25)

    76. He would be mocked.(Psalm 22:7-8; Matthew 27:39-43)

    77. He would be spit upon.(Isaiah 50:6; Matthew 26:67, 27:30)

    78. Not one bone would be broken. (JESUS Died before they had to break his bones. The guards broke the other two men’s legs on the cross in order for them to die before Passover)(Psalm 34:20; John 19:33,36)

    79. He would be pierced.(Zechariah 12:10; John 19:34,37)

    80. He would die.(Isaiah 53:12; Matthew 27:50)

    81. Others would rise from the dead with Him. (Psalm 68:18; Ephesians 4:8; Matthew 27:52-53)

    82. He would rise the third day from the grave.(Jonah 1:17; 1 Corinthians 15:4; Luke 24:45-46; Matthew 12:40)

    Evidence 3
    The Probability of Fulfilled Prophecy
    DID You know?

    An astonishing 668 prophecies have been fulfilled and none have ever been proven false . An honest study of biblical prophecy will compellingly show the divine authorship of the Bible. Jesus fulfilled over 300 messianic prophecies written in the Old Testament scriptures.

    There are 2,000 prophecies that discuss past events which have come to pass (proven correct), future prophecies and 300 prophecies (ALL proven correct and detailed) on the implications about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

    There are no prophetic failures.

    While there are both obvious and subtle prophecies, most are very detailed and specific.

    No other religion has specific, repeated, and unfailing fulfillment of predictions many years in advance of contingent events over which the predictor had no control.

    Studies of psychics show only around 8% of their predictions come true and virtually all of these can be attributed to chance and a general knowledge of circumstances.

    Mathematicians have calculated the odds of Jesus fulfilling only 8 of the Messianic prophecies as 1 out of 1017 (a 1 followed by 17 zeros). This is equivalent to covering the entire state of Texas with silver dollars 2 feet deep, marking one of them, mixing them all up and having a blind-folded person select the marked one at random the first time.

    Fulfilled prophecy is powerful evidence that the Bible is divine rather than human in origin.
    The Messiah would have had 456 identifying characteristics.
    These are told to us through the Prophecies of the Old Testemant. In Fact, Jesus fulfilled them all.

    I. Prophecy Odds 10 to 5th Power
    (1 Chance in 100,000) Jesus would be born in Bethlehem

    II. Prophecy Odds- 10 To the 2nd Power
    (1 in 10,000) Jesus would be a Descendant of David

    III. Prophecy Odds 10 to the 5th Power
    (1 Chance in 100,000) Jesus would be a miracle Worker

    IV. Prophecy Odds 10 to the 6th Power
    (1 Chance in 1,000,000) Jesus would present himself as a King riding on a donkey

    V. Prophecy Odds 10 to the 6th Power
    (1 Chance in 1,000,000) Jesus would be betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver

    VI. Prophecy Odds 10 to the 6th Power
    (1 Chance in 1,000,000) Jesus would be Crucified

    VII. Prophecy Odds 10 to the 6th Power
    (1 Chance in 1,000,000) Jesus would first present Himself as King 173,880 days from the decree of Artazerxes to rebuild Jerusalem

    - Total Probability without GOD 10 to the 38 Power - (1 Chance in 100 BILLION, BILLION, BILLION, BILLION)-(4 Billions)

    -Professor Emeritus of Science at Westmont College, Peter Stoner, has calculated the probability of one man fulfilling the major prophecies made concerning the Messiah. Twelve different classes representing some 600-university students worked out the estimates. 1 in (10 157POWER) that one man could fulfill even 48 (F O U R T Y - e i g h t ) of these Old Testament prophecies.

    The chances of one person fulfilling 48 of the over 300 prophecies is one chance in a (trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion,trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion.)Yet Jesus Christ fulfilled over 300 (O v e r T h r e e H U N D R E D !)

    Finally, he submitted his figures for review to a committee of the American Scientific Affiliation. Upon examination, they verified that his calculations were dependable and accurate in regard to the scientific material presented (Peter Stoner, Science Speaks, Chicago: Moody Press, 1969, 4).

    Evidence 3

    Jesus DID NOT manipulate events to fulfill prophecy.

    (a) Many prophecies were out of his control (ancestry, place of birth, time of death).

    (b) His miracles confirmed Jesus to be the Messiah.

    (c) There is no evidence that Jesus was a deceiver.

    (d) In order to manipulate all the people (including his enemies) and even his disciples to make it appear that he was the Messiah, Jesus would have needed supernatural powers. If he had such powers, he must have been the Messiah he claimed to be.

    (e) Jesus Christ Could NOT Control In Advance - The Place of the Messiah’s birth (Micah 5:2).

    (f) Jesus Christ Could NOT Control In Advance –The Date of the Messiah’s birth (Daniel 9:25).

    (g) Jesus Christ Could NOT Control In Advance - Manner of birth of the Messiah (Isaiah 7:14).

    (h) Jesus Christ Could NOT Control In Advance - The Manner of death of the Messiah (Zechariah 12:10; Psalm 22:16 prophesied before the invention of crucifixion).

    (i) Jesus Christ Could NOT Control In Advance -Piercing in side of that Messiah (Zechariah 12:10).

    (j) Jesus Christ Could NOT Control In Advance – The Details of the Burial of the Messiah(Isaiah 53:9).

    (k) Jesus Christ Could NOT Control In Advance - Executers dividing up Jesus’s clothes after he died on the cross

    Evidence 3
    NON Messianic Prophecies

    *The Succession of Great World Kingdoms (Daniel 2:37-42) Even negative critics agree that Daniel foretold the governments in order of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome TODAY. In Daniel 2:1-3 His dream gives us a “disclosure of God’s plan for the ages till the final triumph of Christ” and “presents the foreordained succession of world powers that are to dominate the Near East till the final victory of the Messiah in the last days” (Expositor’s Bible, pp. 39, 46).

    Daniels 69 Weeks The accuracy of Daniel's prophecies of remotely distant events is spectacular. The "70 weeks" prophecy recorded in Daniel 9: 24- 27 "Daniel predicts the precise year of Christ's appearance and the beginning of his ministry in A.D 27" (The Expositor's Bible commentary, pg 9)

    Cyrus King of Persia (Isaiah 44:28-45:1). Since Isaiah lived between about 740 and 690 BC and Cyrus did not make his proclamation for Israel to return from exile until about 536 (Ezra 1), there would have been no human way for him to know what Cyrus would be named or what Cyrus would do.

    Israel to Be Returned to Its Land A Second Time (Isaiah 11:11-12). The first time God reclaimed a people was from Egypt through the Exodus; the second time is from the Babylonian Exile (Isaiah 51:9-11)

    The Closing of the Golden Gate (Ezekiel 44:2-3). The Golden Gate is the eastern gate of Jerusalem, through which Christ made his triumphal entry on Palm Sunday before the crucifixion (Matthew 21). Ezekiel predicted its closing and in 1543 Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent closed the gate and walled it up, not knowing he was fulfilling prophecy. It remains sealed to this day exactly as the Bible predicted.

    The Destruction of Tyre (Ezekiel 26:3-14). The prophecy was partly fulfilled when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the city and left it in ruins. Alexander the Great later attacked the seemingly impregnable Island of Tyre by taking the stones, dust, and timber from the ruined mainland city to build a causeway to the Island. This prophecy is comparable to saying that Chicago will be destroyed and never rebuilt.

    The Doom of Edom (Petra) (Jeremiah 49:15-17). Given the virtually impregnable nature of the ancient city carved out of rock and protected by a narrow passageway, this was an incredible prediction. Yet, in 636 AD it was conquered by Muslims and today stands deserted but for tourists.

    Flourishing of the Desert in Palestine (Ezekiel 36:33-35). Since before the turn of the twentieth century, Israel has been renovated and Israel's agriculture is flourishing.
    Destruction of Jerusalem (Mark 13:1-2). Fulfilled literally when the Romans completely destroyed Jerusalem and the temple buildings. According to historian and eyewitness Josephus, some of the stones were 37 feet long, 12 feet high and 18 feet wide. Stones were even pried apart to collect the gold leaf that melted from the roof when the temple was set on fire.

    Evidence 3
    The Testimony of Fulfilled Prophecy IN OUR TIME! The Bible is talking about OUR DAY!

    PROPHECY of coming events in our day: Reference: Ray Comfort

    i. The rebirth of Israel and the rebuilding of the Temple.Did you know that no nation that has ceased to exist has EVER come back into being after 2000 years of not being a nation? The Bible says that Israel would come back in the end times and that the Temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. See Ezekiel 37, 2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 11 For information on the rebuilding of the temple, go here and click on "Preparations for the Rebuilding of the Temple"

    ii. The rebirth of the Roman Empire.-See Daniel 2, Daniel 7 - THIS is HAPPENING

    iii. The Bible foretold that we would have to have a mark on our right hand or our forehead to buy or sell. - Revelation 13 John describes a one-world government with cashless money system that worked with a mark on each person's hand or forehead. "How did John know?"

    iv. The Bible foretold that there would be an army of 200 million. Before the 20th century the population of the world was such that an army of that magnitude was inconceivable.- Revelation 9:13-19 (18) John describes an army of two hundred million soldiers that will cross the Euphrates river from the east. At that time there weren't even two hundred million people on the earth let alone in one army. Today China boasts of an army of two hundred million soldiers. John describes this army as riding on horses with breastplates and of which out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur. They had power in their tails and were used to kill a third of mankind. It sounds like John is describing modern day warfare with tanks. He called them horses because that was the only mode of transportation then.

    v. False Bible teachers would be money hungry. They would be smooth talkers, have many followers, and slur the Christian faith (2 Peter 2:1-3) See some at:

    vi. Homosexuality would be increasingly evident at the end of the age (2 Timothy 3:3)

    vii. Earthquakes would be in diverse places (Matthew 24:7)

    viii. Stress would be part of living (2 Timothy 3:1)
    ix. Many wars would erupt (Matthew 24:6)

    x. People would forsake the Ten Commandments as a moral code, committing adultery, stealing, lying, and killing (Matthew 24:12)

    xi. There would be a cold religious system, in denying God's power (2 Timothy 3:5)

    xii. Men would substitute fantasy in place of Christian truth (2 Timothy 4:4). This is so evident at Christmas when the birth of the Savior is lost behind the myth of Santa Claus.

    xiii. Deadly diseases would be prevalent (Matthew 24:7). The worldwide increase in AIDS deaths is almost inestimable. Over 160,000 Americans die of cancer each year.

    xiv. The fact that God once flooded the earth (the Noahic flood) would be denied (2 Peter 3:5-6 There is a mass of fossil evidence to prove this fact, yet it is flatly ignored by the scientific world because of its uncanny implication.

    xv. The institution of marriage would be forsaken by many (1 Timothy 4:3)

    xvi. There would be an increase in famines (Matthew 24:7)

    xvii. Increase in vegetarianism would increase (1 Timothy 4:3-4)

    xviii. There would be a cry for peace (1 Thessalonians 5:3)

    xix. The possession of Jerusalem would be at the center of international turmoil (Zechariah 12:3)

    xx. Knowledge would increase (Daniel 12:4)

    xxi. There would be hypocrites within the Church (Matthew 13:25-30)

    xxii. There would be an increase of religious cults/false teachers (Matthew 24:11 & 24)

    xxiii. The future would seem fearful to many (Luke 21:26)

    xxiv. Humanity would become materialistic (2 Timothy 3:4)

    xxv. There would be many involved in travel (Daniel 12:4)

    xxvi. The Christian Gospel would be preached as a warning to all nations (Matthew 24:14)

    xxvii. Jesus said Christians would be hated "for His name's sake" (Matthew 24:9)

    xxviii. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. (Luke 21:25-26).

    xxix. Youth would become rebellious. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy (2 Timothy 3:2)

    xxx. Men would mock the warning signs of the end of the age saying, "for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." (2 Peter 3:4). The Bible even reveals their motivation, they love lust (verse 3). They fail to understand that a day to the Lord is as a thousand years to us. God is not subject to the time that He created. He can flick through time as we flick through the pages of a history book. The reason He seems to be silent, is because He is patiently waiting, not willing that any perish, but that all come to repentance.

    xxxi. Zechariah 14:12-16 (19) Describes a battle which God will use to judge the nations (compare with Revelation 19:17-21 (20)). He describes the "plague" like this: "Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths." This sounds gory but we can't escape the similarities to the destruction of people by nuclear warfare and fallout or biological or chemical warfare. How did Zechariah know? There was nothing comparable to this at all in his day. The most likely explanation is that God, who can see the future, told him, thus verifying the Bible.

    JESUS CHRIST FULLFILLED OVER 300 Prophecies FORTOLD BEFORE HE WAS BORN Found In the Old Testament Scriptures

    1. Messiah to be the seed of the Woman Claimed in Genesis 3:15 Fullfilled in Luke 2:5-7 & Galatians 4:4

    2. Messiah to be the seed of Abraham Claimed in Genesis 12:2-3, 18:18 Fulfilled in Matthew 1: 1-2, Luke 3:34, Acts 3: 25 Galatians 3:16

    3. Messiah to be of the tribe of Judah Found in Genesis 49:10 Fulfilled in Matthew 1:1-2

    4. Messiah to be of the seed of David- 2 Samuel 7:16 , Psalm 132:11 , Jeremiah 23:5, 33:15 Fulfilled in Matthew 1:6, 22:42-45 ,Luke 1:31-33 Acts 2:29-30 , Romans 1:3

    5. Messiah to be born of a virgin Found in Isaiah 7:14, Fullfulled in Matthew 1:18-25 , Luke 1:26-38

    6. Messiah to be born in Bethlehem, Found in Micah 5:2, Fullfilled in Matthew 2:1-6 , Luke 2:4-6

    7. Tribute paid to Messiah by great kings Found in Psalm 72:10-11, Fullfilled in Matthew 2:1-11

    8. He will be a priest after the order of Melchisedek (Melchisedec) (Psalm 110:4). Fulfilled: Hebrews 5:6

    9. He will come while the Temple of Jerusalem is standing ( Malachi 3:1; Psalm 118:26; Daniel 9:26; Zechariah 11:13; Haggai 2:7-9). Fulfilled: Matthew 21:12, etc. (Note: The Temple did not exist at certain periods in Jewish history, and it was finally destroyed in 70 AD.

    10. He will perform many miracles (Isaiah 35:5-6).

    11. He will open the eyes of the blind (Isa. 29:18). Fulfillment: Matt 9:27-31; 12:22; 20:29; Mark 8:22-26; 10:46; Luke 11:14; 18:35; John 9:1-7.

    12. He will speak in parables (Psalm 78:2). Fulfillment: Matthew 13:34, etc.

    13. The Gentiles will believe in Him, while His own people (the Jews) will reject him ( Isaiah 8:14; 28:16; 49:6; 50:6; 60:3; Psalms 22:7-8; 118:22). Fulfillment: 1 Peter 2:7, etc.

    14. A messenger (a man of the wilderness) will prepare the way for Him (Isa. 40:3; Malachi 3:1). See John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1-3; 11:10; John 1:23; Luke 1:17).

    15. He will enter Jerusalem riding a donkey (the colt of an ass) (Zechariah 9:9). Fulfillment: Matt. 21:5; Luke 19:32-37.

    16. He will be hated for no reason (Psalm 69:4). Fulfillment: John 15:25.

    17. He will be betrayed (Psalm 41:9). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10.

    18. More specifically, He will be betrayed by a friend (Psalm 41:9). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10; 26:47-48.

    19. The price of his betrayal will be thirty pieces of silver (Zech. 11:12). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10.

    20. The betrayal money will be cast onto the floor (Zech. 11:13). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:5.

    21. More specifically, it will be cast onto the floor of the Temple (Zech. 11:13). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10.

    22. The betrayal money will be used to buy a potter's field (Zech. 11:13). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:6-10.

    23. He will not open his mouth to defend himself (Isaiah 53:7). Fulfillment: Matthew 27:12.

    24. He will be beaten and spit upon (Isaiah 50:6). Fulfillment: Matthew 26:67; 27:26-30.

    25. He will be "numbered with the transgressors" (Isaiah 53:12). Fulfillment: Jesus was crucified as a criminal in between two thieves (Mat 27:38).

    26. He will be pierced (Zechariah 12:10). Fulfillment: John 19:34

    27. His hands and feet will be pierced (Psalm 22:16; cf. Zechariah 12:10; Galatians 3:13).
    28. Crucifixion foretold. Psalm 22 graphically prophecies the Messiah's manner of death. At the time the psalm was written (and long after), the penalty for blasphemy was stoning. However, at the time Jesus was condemned by the Sanhedrin, it no longer had the legal right to put people to death. Thus, the case was taken to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate who crucified him according to Roman custom (see: Crucifixion).

    29. His bones will not be broken (Psalm 34:20; Exodus 12 states that the Passover lamb's bones are not to be broken.). Fulfillment: John 19:33.

    30. They will divide his clothing and cast lots for them (Psalm 22:18). Fulfillment: John 19:23-24.

    31. He will be given vinegar and gall to drink (Psalm 69:21). Fulfillment: Matthew 27:34, 48.
    32. He will say: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Psalm 22:1). Fulfillment: Matthew 27:46.

    33. He will be buried with the rich (Isaiah 53:9). Fulfillment: Matthew 27.

    34. He will not decay (Psalm 16:10). Fulfillment: Acts 2:31

    35. He will be resurrected from the dead (Psalm 16:10). Fulfillment: Acts 2:31, etc. See: "Resurrection of Christ".

    36. He will ascend into heaven (Psalm 68:18). Fulfillment: Acts 1:9.

    37. He will be seated at the right hand of God (Psalm 110:1). Fulfillment: Hebrews 1:3.

    38. He will be the Son of God (Psa. 2:7). Fulfilled: Matthew 3:17, etc.

    39. Messiah to be heralded by a messenger Isaiah 40:3 Malachi 3:1 Fullfillment : Matthew 3:1-3

    40. Messiah to be the Son of God Psalm 2:2,7 Fulfilled Matthew 3:17 Luke 1:32-33

    41. Messiah to be anointed by the Holy Spirit Isaiah 11:2 Fullfilled Matthew 3:16-17

    42. Galilee to be the first area of Messiah's ministry Isaiah 9:1-7 Fulfilled Matthew 4:12-16

    43. Messiah to be meek and mild Isaiah 40:11, 42:2-3, 53:7 Fulfilled Matthew 12:18-20, 26:62-68

    44. Messiah to minister to the Gentiles Isaiah 42:1, 49:6-8 Fullfilled Matthew 12:21Luke 2:28-32

    45. Messiah will perform miracles Isaiah 35:5-6 Fullfilled Matthew 9:35, 11:3-6, John 9:6-7

    46. Messiah to be a prophet like Moses Deuteronomy18:15-19 Fullfilled Matthew 21:11, 24:1-35, John 1:45, 6:14, Acts 3:20-23

    47. Messiah to enter the temple with authority Malachi 3:1-2 Fullfilled - Matthew 21:12

    48. Messiah will enter Jerusalem on a donkey Zechariah 9:9-10 Fullfilled Matthew 21:1-11

    49. Messiah to be betrayed by a friend Psalm 41:9 Fullfilled John 13:18-21

    50. Messiah to be forsaken by his disciples Zechariah 13:7 Fullfilled Matthew 26:31, 56

    51. Messiah will be smitten Isaiah 50:6 Fullfilled Matthew 26:67, 27:26,30

    52. Messiah to experience crucifixion (long before crucifixion was invented) Psalm 22:15-17 Fullfilled Matthew 27:34-50 John 19:28-30

    53. Messiah will be pierced Zechariah 12:10 Fullfilled in John 19:34-37

    54. Details of Messiah's suffering and death and resulting salvation (hundreds of years before Christ!)

    55. Messiah to die in 33 AD Daniel 9:24-26 33 AD is the widely accepted historical date of the crucifixion

    56. Casting of lots for His garments Psalm 22:18 Fullfilled in John 19:23-24

    57. Messiah to be raised from the dead Psalm 16:10 Fullfilled Acts 2:25-31, 13:32-37, 17:2-3

    58. Messiah's resurrection Job 19:25Psalm 16:10 Fullfilled Acts 2:30-31, 13:32-35, 17:2-3 - 1 Corinthians 15:20-22

    59. Messiah to ascend to heaven Psalm 68:18 Fullfilled Luke 24:51 Acts 1:9 Ephesians 4:8-13

    60. Messiah to be at the right hand of God Psalm 110:1 Matthew 26:64 Mark 14:62 Romans 8:34 Hebrews 1:3

    61. He would be like a lamb going to the slaughter.(Isaiah 53:7; Acts 8:26-35)

    62. He is King of the Jews (and the world).(Psalm 2:6; John 18:33,37; 19:19-22)

    63. He would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:4-6; John 7:42) BUT He would be from Nazareth and be called a Nazarene. (Matthew 2:23; Luke 1:26-27; John 1:45; Judges 13:5-7,24)

    64. The exact time of His crucifixion was known (483 years from the decree to build the temple, which was around 444 B.C.E.). (Daniel 9:25; Nehemiah 2:1-8; 5:14)

    65. He would be circumcised the eighth day according to the law of purification. (Luke 2:21-24; Leviticus 12:1-6)

    66. He would go to Egypt and return to the land of Israel.(Hosea 11:1; Matthew 2:13-15)
    67. Young babies would die in an attempt to kill Yeshua at His birth.(Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:16-18)

    68. The ministry of Yeshua would be in Galilee.(Isaiah 9:1-2; Matthew 4:12-16,23)

    69. He would not seek publicity.(Isaiah 42:1-2; Matthew 12:15-19; 9:30; 8:4)

    70. He can be trusted and would be compassionate.(Isaiah 42:3; Matthew 12:15,20-21)

    71. No evil words would proceed from His mouth. (Isaiah 53:9; Luke 23:41; 1 Peter 2:21-22; 2 Corinthians 5:21)

    72. His disciples would forsake Him.(Zechariah 13:7; Matthew 26:31-35,56)

    73. There was nothing physically beautiful in Him to be desired.(Isaiah 53:2; Psalm 22:6; Mark 6:1-3; Philippians 2:7)

    74. He would be sold for 30 pieces of silver.(Zechariah 11:12; Matthew 26:14-16)

    75. He would be nailed to a tree.(Deuteronomy 21:22-23; Psalm 22:16; John 19:18; 20:25)

    76. He would be mocked.(Psalm 22:7-8; Matthew 27:39-43)

    77. He would be spit upon.(Isaiah 50:6; Matthew 26:67, 27:30)

    78. Not one bone would be broken. (JESUS Died before they had to break his bones. The guards broke the other two men’s legs on the cross in order for them to die before Passover)(Psalm 34:20; John 19:33,36)

    79. He would be pierced.(Zechariah 12:10; John 19:34,37)

    80. He would die.(Isaiah 53:12; Matthew 27:50)

    81. Others would rise from the dead with Him. (Psalm 68:18; Ephesians 4:8; Matthew 27:52-53)He would rise the third day from the grave.(Jonah 1:17; 1 Corinthians 15:4; Luke 24:45-46; Matthew 12:40)
    Evidence 3
    Interesting Discoveries Concering Bible Prophecy Dates
    "When History and Prophecy Converge" By Mario Seiglie

    “This was not something I expected when I bought the book What If?: The World's Foremost Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been, edited by Robert Cowley”

    The book contains around 50 key events in world history, with renowned historians asking, What if things had turned out differently? They conclude it would be a vastly different world. If crucial world events had turned out differently, we could easily be practicing the culture, language and religions of the great conqueror nations: Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Russia, Mongolia, Germany or Japan. Incredibly, of the 50 key events mentioned, I found that 48 of them had to do with biblical prophecy! In other words, God had a hand in it. That's more than 95 percent of the world's most crucial events according to these secular historians!”

    Evidence 4

    What are Bible Codes?

    What is the best UP-TO-DATE site on Bible Codes?

    Here are some of codes on Jesus out of the 81 found on the site and then list an article from

    These are all encoded in the Torah. Jesus Christ is alive!

    Jesus the Messiah

    Jesus is the only way!

    In the Blood of Jesus, this: He is obvious, the Light who came unto punishment.

    Jesus is the Word of God

    Jesus is My Messiah, recognize!

    Who is My Messiah? - His name is Jesus, recognise thus!

    Repent! Jesus is the Mediator.

    Yahweh (is) Jesus

    Jesus is the good shepherd, God.

    Jesus didn't see corruption!

    These are once again just a few of the codes about Jesus. There are other code sites that have plenty more.

    If you want to read the rest of the codes on Him here is a link to the page:

    Jesus Codes

    Bible Codes that Form Pictures


    A Highly Improbable Collection

    “When we had Nathan Jacobi, Ph.D., examine each of these ELSs for possible extensions, his findings were highly improbable. While 4.0 extensions, consisting of a total of 16 letters, were expected by chance, Dr. Jacobi found 13 extensions, totaling 75 letters. The odds against finding this many extensions around eight initial ELSs are about one in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, or one out of a billion times a trillion. The following table recaps the striking difference between what would be expected by chance and what was actually found.”

    CODES Found in FULFILLED PROPHECY of The Messiah

    1) The most shocking evidence dealing with the bible codes is the name YESHUA is encoded in the prophetic prophecy in the bible, W I T H I N THE **A c t u a l** verse.
    In 24 prophecies, Yeshua is encoded in equal letter sequences within the verse.
    It is interesting to note that Islam has no (zero) such prophecies of Mohammed; nor does the Hindu faith or any Old other faith or cult. MORE SO , NO Other BOOK has Bible Codes BY THE THOUSANDS!
    TALK about Supernatural EVIDENCE!
    In the very Prophecy talking about the COMING Messiah, his name was BARRIED within the actual text of of the PROPHECY! WOW!

    An Example:
    Psalm 22- 1through 15" 1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me....."Jesus repeated these words on the cross, do you remember? He was repeating a prophecy that was written about the coming messiah before he was even born. People standing around the cross must have just fallen to the ground in dispair, knowing they killed GOD on the cross. Psalm 22 1-15 talks about the messiah that is to come. BURRIED in this bible passage is the Bible code - "JESUS CHRIST" in Psalm 22 1-15 Text retrieval without spaces: 45 letters per line

    Another Example:
    Bible Code found in (Proverbs 30:4)- "Who hath ascended up into heaven or descended? Who hath gathered the wind in His fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the Earth? What is His name, and what is His son's name, if thou canst tell?" (Proverbs 30:4)BIBLE CODE FOUND - every 22nd letter spells- Yeshua shai, which means "Yeshua, the Gift."

    Another Example:
    74 CODES found in Isaiah 52-53

    THE AMOUNT Of CODES Found in Isaiah 52-53 Are astounding!
    The Bible Codes is that, just like ALL Scripture found in the bible all point toward, and scream out; "Jesus Christ (Yeshua) is the Son of God.
    Here is the significance.
    Isaiah is talking about ---a coming messiah-- It describes what this messiah is going to go through when he walks this earth.
    (Isaiah 52-53)"He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed"
    "JESUS IS MY NAME" Every 12th Letter Found by - Yacov Rambsel
    (Remember to note, the bible codes only work in the ORGINAL MANUSCRIPT of the bible, not in the Copies of the bible)
    Jesus REVEALED in Isaiah 52-53 "He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed"
    It's very significant that the below were found in a very relevant area of Isaiah known as the "Suffering Servant" passages.
    "NAZARENE" is also in the same chapter,
    Nazarene was found ALONG WITH seventy- four 74 of the names, places, and events of the time period of Jesus of Nazareth!
    (TAken from - BIBLE CODE- YESHUA IS MY NAME - Grant R. Jeffrey) more detailed notes found, and the locations see Grant Jeffrey's website.
    Here are the words found

    Yeshua*Nazarene*Messiah*Shiloh*Passover*Galilee*Herod*Caesar*The evil Roman city*Caiaphas-High Priest*Annas* High* Priest*Mary*Mary*Mary*The Disciples*Peter*Matthew*John*Andrew*Philip*Thomas*James*James*Simon*Thaddaeus*Matthias Let Him be crucified*His Cross*Lamp of the Lord*His signature*Bread*Wine*From Zion*MoriahObed* (servant)Jesse*Seed*Water*Levites*From the Atonement* Lamb*Joseph

    (Note- there were 3 Marys standing at the crucifixion)- Taken From Grant Jeffrey's website- Thank you Grant!

    Evidence 4

    Buddha didn't rise from the dead, nor did Confucius or Zoroaster. Muhammad didn't fulfill detailed prophecy. Alexander the Great didn't raise the dead or heal the sick. And though there is far less reliable information written about these "religious" leaders, they are believed in and followed by millions.
    • Josephus, the 1st century historian, (apart from the disciples or acquaintances) records, "For Jesus appeared to them the third day alive again, as the holy prophets had predicted"
    • Jesus of Nazareth, who claimed to be the Christ prophesied in the Jewish Scriptures, was arrested, was judged a political criminal, and was crucified.
    • Three days after His death and burial, some women who went to His tomb found the body gone.
    • In subsequent weeks, His disciples claimed that God had raised Him from the dead.
    • He appeared to them various times before ascending into heaven.

    • From that foundation, Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire and has continued to spread influence down through the centuries.Here are some of the facts relevant to the resurrection:


    • The first obvious fact was the breaking of the seal that stood for the power and authority of the Roman Empire.

    • A Roman guard of strictly disciplined fighting men was stationed to guard the tomb. This guard affixed on the tomb the Roman seal, which was meant to "prevent any attempt at vandalizing the sepulcher. Anyone trying to move the stone from the tomb's entrance would have broken the seal and thus incurred the wrath of Roman law.

    • The consequences of breaking the seal were extremely severe.

    • The disciples of Christ did not go off to Athens or Rome to preach that Christ was raised from the dead. They went right back to the city of Jerusalem, where, IF WHAT THEY were teaching was false, the falsity WOULD BE EVIDENT.
    • The empty tomb was "too notorious to be denied." Paul Althaus states that the resurrection "could have not been maintained in Jerusalem for a single day, for a single hour, if the emptiness of the tomb had not been established as a fact for all concerned."
    • Both Jewish and Roman sources and traditions admit an empty tomb.Those resources range from Josephus to a compilation of fifth-century Jewish writings called the "Toledoth Jeshu."Dr. Paul Maier calls this "positive evidence from a hostile source”, which is the strongest kind of historical evidence.
    • In essence, this means that if a source admits a fact decidedly not in its favor, then that fact is genuine."
    • Gamaliel, who was a member of the Jewish high court, the Sanhedrin, put forth the suggestion that the rise of the Christian movement was God's doing; he could not have done that if the tomb were still occupied, or if the Sanhedrin knew the whereabouts of Christ's body.
    • Paul Maier observes that " . . . if all the evidence is weighed carefully and fairly, it is indeed justifiable, according to the canons of historical research, to conclude that the sepulcher of Joseph of Arimathea, in which Jesus was buried, was actually empty on the morning. No shred of evidence has yet been discovered in literary sources, epigraphy, or archaeology that would disprove this statement."


    • On that Sunday morning the first thing that impressed the people who approached the tomb was the unusual position of the ONE AND A HALF TWO TON STONE that had been lodged in front of the doorway.ALL THE GOSPEL WRITERS MENTION IT.Those who observed the stone after the resurrection describe its position as HAVING BEEN ROLLED UP A SLOPE away froma: the entrance of the tomb,b: from the entire massive sepulcher.It was in such a position that it looked as if it had been picked up and carried away. Now, I ask you, if the disciples had wanted to come in, tiptoe around the sleeping guards, and then roll the stone over and steal Jesus' body, how could they have done that without the guards' awareness?


    • The Roman guards fled.
    • They left their place of responsibility. How can their attrition he explained, when Roman military discipline was so exceptional?
    • Justin, in Digest #49, mentions all the offenses that required the death penalty.One way a guard was put to death was by being stripped of his clothes and then burned alive in a fire started with his garments.


    John, a disciple of Jesus, looked over to the place where the body of Jesus had lain, and there were the grave clothes, in the form of the body, slightly caved in and empty--like the empty chrysalis of a caterpillar's cocoon.
  • It is interesting to not the clothing was undisturbed in form and position.


    • When studying an event in history, it is important to know whether enough people who were participants or eyewitnesses to the event were alive when the facts about the event were published.

    • If the number of eyewitnesses is substantial, the event can he regarded as fairly well established.
    • For instance, if we all witness a murder, and a later police report turns out to he a fabrication of lies, we as eyewitnesses can refute it.

    Fact #7: Jesus's Appearances over 500

    • Several very important factors arc often overlooked when considering Christ's post-resurrection appearances to individuals.
    • The first is the large number of witnesses of Christ after that resurrection morning**.
    • One of the earliest records of Christ's appearing after the resurrection is by Paul.
    • The apostle appealed to his audience's knowledge of the fact that Christ had been seen by more than 500 people at one time.
    • Paul reminded them that the majority of those people were still alive and could be questioned.
    • Dr. Edwin M. Yamauchi, associate professor of history at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, emphasizes: "What gives a special authority to the list (of witnesses) as historical evidence is the reference to most of the five hundred brethren being still alive. St. Paul says in effect, 'If you do not believe me, you can ask them.' Such a statement in an admittedly genuine letter written within thirty years of the event is almost as strong evidence as one could hope to get for something that happened nearly two thousand years ago." Let's take the more than 500 witnesses who saw Jesus alive after His death and burial, and place them in a courtroom. Do you realize that if each of those 500 people were to testify for only six minutes, including cross-examination, you would have an amazing 50 hours of firsthand testimony? Add to this the testimony of many other eyewitnesses and you would well have the largest and most lopsided trial in history.

      Jesus appeared 12 times to different group sizes ranging from just one person to 500 people
      1. Mary Magdalene (Mark 16.9-11; John 20.11-18)
      2. The other women at the tomb (Matthew 28.8-10)
      3. Peter in Jerusalem (Luke 24.34; 1 Cor. 15.5)
      4. The two travelers on the road (Mark 16.12,13)
      5. Ten disciples behind closed doors (Mark 16.14; Luke 24.36-43; John 20.19-25)
      6. All the disciples, with Thomas (excluding Judas Iscariot) (John 20.26-31; 1 Cor. 15.5)
      7. Seven disciples while fishing (John 21.1-14)
      8. Eleven disciples on the mountain (Matthew 28.16-20)
      9. A crowd of 500 (1 Cor. 15.6)
      10. Jesus' brother James (1 Cor. 15.7)
      11. Those who watched Jesus ascend to heaven (Luke 24.44-49; Acts 1.3-8)
      Least of all Paul as though he was not living in the proper time (1 Cor. 15.8-9; Gal. 1.13-16; Acts 9.1-8, 22.9, read all of chapters 22 and 26; 13.30-37; 1 Cor. 15.10-20; Gal. 2.1-10).

    Fact #8: The Testimony of HOSTILE WITNESSES Towards Christ

    • Another factor crucial to interpreting Christ's appearances is that He also appeared to those who were hostile or unconvinced.

    • No author or informed individual would regard Saul of Tarsus as being a follower of Christ. The facts show the exact opposite. Saul despised Christ and persecuted Christ's followers. It was a life-shattering experience when Christ appeared to him. Although he was at the time not a disciple, he later became the apostle Paul, one of the greatest witnesses for the truth of the resurrection.

    • Sir Lionel Luckhoo (1914-1997) is considered one of the greatest lawyers in British history. He's recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the "World's Most Successful Advocate," with 245 consecutive murder acquittals. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II -- twice. Luckhoo declared: "I humbly add I have spent more than 42 years as a defense trial lawyer appearing in many parts of the world and am still in active practice. I have been fortunate to secure a number of successes in jury trials and I say unequivocally the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt."3- Lee Strobel

    Evidence 7:
    Supernatural Evidence HEAVEN and HELL accounts Revealing JESUS

    A 1982 Gallup poll revealed more than 8 Million Near Death Experiences in the United States alone.........No two NDEs are identical, but when numerous NDE reports are considered together, a pattern becomes evident. Any single experience is likely to include one or more of these aspects of the overall pattern:Supernatural


    Evidence 6
    Miracles of Jesus Jesus performed miracles, He did what people can't do.
    ~In the bible, it says Jesus did so many miracles that it would fill up books~

    a) He healed people: blind, crippled, deaf, even raised a couple of people from the dead.

    b) He had power over objects: on at least a couple of occasions, he created food out of thin air, enough to feed crowds of several thousand people.

    c) He performed miracles over nature: walked on top of a lake, instantly stopped a raging storm for some friends.

    d) Jesus changed water into wine (John 2:6-10).

    e) Jesus cast out demons (Matt. 8:28-32; 15:22-28).

    f) Jesus healed lepers (Matt. 8:3; Luke 17:14).

    g) Jesus healed diseases (Matt. 4:23,24; Luke 6:17-19)

    h) Jesus healed the paralytic (Mark 2:3-12).

    i) Jesus raised the dead (Matt. 9:25; John 11:43-44).

    j) Jesus restored sight to the blind (Matt. 9:27-30; John 9:1-7).

    k) Jesus restored cured deafness (Mark 7:32-35).

    l) Jesus fed the multitude (Matt. 14:15-21; Matt. 15:32-38).

    m) Jesus walked on water (Matt. 8:26-27).

    n) Jesus calmed a storm with a command (Matt. 8:22-27; Mark 4:39).

    o) Jesus rose from the dead (Luke 24:39; John 20:27).

    p) Jesus appeared to disciples after resurrection (John 20:19). People everywhere followed Jesus, because He constantly met their needs, doing the miraculous. He said if you do not want to believe what I'm telling you, you should at least believe in me based on the miracles you're seeing.

    Evidence 7:
    Supernatural Evidence HEAVEN and HELL accounts Revealing JESUS

    A 1982 Gallup poll revealed more than 8 Million Near Death Experiences in the United States alone.........No two NDEs are identical, but when numerous NDE reports are considered together, a pattern becomes evident. Any single experience is likely to include one or more of these aspects of the overall pattern:Supernatural


    Evidence 8


    This was Jesus, God's Son dying for all humankind. Also as Jesus hung there tortured on that awful wooden cross he was carrying our sins.

    1. DARKNESS covered the LAND- Normal Eclipses last a few minutes.

    This darkness was present for three hours.

    An Earthquake, Mt 27.51 "the earth shook and the rocks split." 27.54 "When the centurion and those with him saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified and exclaimed, 'Surely he was the Son of God!'"

    God at work is terrifying, at the resurrection the combination of earthquake and angel terrified the guards so that "they shook and became like dead men."

    2. The earthquake Sited by Non-Biblical Sources

    A. The church historian Eusebius of Caesarea (264 - 340), in his Chronicle, cited a statement of the 2nd-century chronicler Phlegon of Tralles that during the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad (AD 32/33) "a great eclipse of the sun occurred at the sixth hour that excelled every other before it, turning the day into such darkness of night that the stars could be seen in heaven, and the earth moved in Bithynia, toppling many buildings in the city of Nicaea". In the same passage, Eusebius cited another unnamed Greek source also recording earthquakes in the same locations and an eclipse. Eusebius argued the two records had documented events that were simultaneous with the crucifixion of Jesus.

    B. Phlegon, Olympiades, fragment 17 mentions an eclipse: 'In the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad, and eclipse of the Sun took place greater than any previously known, and night came on at the sixth hour of the day, so that stars actually appeared in the sky; and a great earthquake took place in Bithynia and overthrew the greater part of Niceaea." That would be AD 32-33, which is incorrect. He could have referred to AD 29, which would have been the first year of the olympiad.

    C. The Letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius claimed the darkness had started at the sixth hour, covered the whole world and, during the subsequent evening, the full moon resembled blood for the entire night.[[4]] The Archko Volume, a 19th-century forgery purporting to be a collection of ancient documents concerning Jesus, contains a report by Pontius Pilate about the crucifixion events

    D. The Gospel of Peter contained another extra-biblical reference to the darkness, stating that the darkness began at midday, covered the whole of Judaea, and led people to go about with lamps believing it to be night.

    E. Other aprocryphal works contain briefer accounts of the crucifixion darkness. The Gospel of Bartholomew stated darkness had accompanied the crucifixion of Christ.

    F. In a letter written under the name Dionysius the Areopagite , the author claims to have observed a solar eclipse from Heliopolis, Egypt at the time of the crucifixion.

    G. Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274) had a version of the Cosmological Argument called the Argument from Motion. He stated that things in motion could not have brought themselves into motion, but must be caused to move. There cannot be an infinite regression of movers. Therefore, there must be an Unmoved Mover. This Unmoved Mover is God.

    H. Julius Africanus, writing around 221 AD found a reference in the writings of Thallus, who wrote a history of the Eastern Mediterranean around 52 AD, which dealt with the darkness that covered the land during Jesus's crucifixion

    I. Phlegon, another first Century historian, is mentioned by Origen in "Contra Celsum": Philopon says: "And about this darkness . . . Phlegon recalls it in the "Olympiads" (the title of his history)." He says that "Phlegon mentioned the eclipse which took place during the crucifixion of the Lord Christ, and no other (eclipse), it is clear that he did not know from his sources about any (similar) eclipse in previous times . . . and this is shown by the historical account of Tiberius Caesar itself."

    J. Phlegon, Olympiades, fragment 17 mentions an eclipse: 'In the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad, and eclipse of the Sun took place greater than any previously known, and night came on at the sixth hour of the day, so that stars actually appeared in the sky; and a great earthquake took place in Bithynia and overthrew the greater part of Niceaea." That would be AD 32-33, which is incorrect. He could have referred to AD 29, which would have been the first year of the olympiad.

    K. Julius Africanus also mentioned Phlegon. His "Chronicles" have been lost, but a small fragment of that work confirms the darkness upon the earth at the crucifixion. After his (Africanus) remarks about Thallus' unreasonable opinion of the darkness Hhe quotes Phlegon that "during the time of Tiberius Caesar an eclipse of the Sun occurred during the full Moon."

    L. Tertullian, in his Apologeticus, provided a brief description of the darkness that had commenced at noon during the crucifixion. He also indicated that those who were unaware of the prediction for the noontide onset of darkness had called it an eclipse.

    M. Gospel of Nicodemus, known as the Acts of Pilate, Christ's Descent into Hell, and The Paradosis, refer to a variety of physical phenomena accompanying the crucifixion and the subsequent executive responses by Caesar. According to Chapter XI of the Acts of Pilate, the darkness had started at midday; lasted three hours, and had been caused by the darkening of the Sun. It also stated Pilate and his wife were disturbed by a report of what had happened. The Judeans he had summoned said it was an ordinary solar eclipse. The Christ's Descent into Hell described the many dead men who had arisen and had appeared to many in Jerusalem shortly after the resurrection of Christ. And, the Paradosis presented the interrogations in Rome by Caesar and his subsequent decree of severe punishment against both Pilate and the Judeans for causing the darkness and earthquake that had fallen upon the whole world.

    3. Biblical prophecies- It mentioned that darkeness would occur at the Messiahs Death

    A prophecy recorded BEFORE JESUS was BORN by Amos predicted a cloudless day solar darkening that would commence at noon. It had been recorded during the reign of King Uzziah of Judah, several centuries before Jesus Christ. It has been interpreted as a prophecy for the crucifixion darkness:And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord God, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day (Amos 8:9).The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come (Joel 2:31).5. Biblical Sources & Non-Biblical Evidence

    4. The Eclipse Could NOT Occur DURNING this time

    "' Thallus, a Samaritan historian, wrote ca. 52 A.D. Mara Bar-Seraphon wrote a letter to his son in 73 A.D. which tells of the deaths of Socrates, Pythagoras, and of Jesus. Thallus, in the third book of his histories, explains away this darkness as an eclipse of the Sun'-- unreasonably, as it seems to me" and he explains "...unreasonably, of course, because a solar eclipse could not take place at the time of the full Moon, and it was at the season of the Paschal full Moon that Christ died."

    The 3rd-century Christian historian Sextus Julius Africanus, in a section of his work surviving in quotation by George Syncellus, stated that the chronicler Thallus had called the darkness during the crucifixion a solar eclipse. Africanus objected based on the fact that a solar eclipse could not occur during Passover; the earth was between the sun and the moon during that holiday.

    Professional Opinions

    George Greenstein (astronomer): "As we survey all the evidence, the thought insistently arises that some supernatural agency - or, rather, Agency - must be involved. Is it possible that suddenly, without intending to, we have stumbled upon scientific proof of the existence of a Supreme Being? Was it God who stepped in and so providentially crafted the cosmos for our benefit?" Greenstein, G. 1988. The Symbiotic Universe. New York: William Morrow, p.27.

    Edward Milne (British cosmologist): "As to the cause of the Universe, in context of expansion, that is left for the reader to insert, but our picture is incomplete without Him [God]." Heeren, F. 1995. Show Me God. Wheeling, IL, Searchlight Publications, p. 166-167.

    Barry Parker (cosmologist): "Who created these laws? There is no question but that a God will always be needed." Heeren, F. 1995. Show Me God. Wheeling, IL, Searchlight Publications, p. 223.

    Ed Harrison (cosmologist): "Here is the cosmological proof of the existence of God - the design argument of Paley - updated and refurbished. The fine tuning of the universe provides prima facie evidence of deistic design. Take your choice: blind chance that requires multitudes of universes or design that requires only one.... Many scientists, when they admit their views, incline toward the teleological or design argument." Harrison, E. 1985. Masks of the Universe. New York, Collier Books, Macmillan, pp. 252, 263.

    Evidence 9
    Evidence of Supernatural at Cross – Tearing of the curtain 60 feet in height, 30 feet in width and 4 inches thick

    "And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. And behold, the veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom..." (Matthew 27:50)
    • The tearing of the Temple curtain was a statement that the separation between God and a Holy God was at an end. The sacrifices performed by the High Priest were no longer necessary, since Christ (the ultimate passover Lamb) died for the sins of the world.
    • The curtain really symbolized the great separation that existed between man and a God (who is perfect in all His ways) Whoever entered into the Holy of Holies was entering the very presence of God. In fact, anyone except the high priest who entered the Holy of Holies would die.
    • The size and thickness of the veil makes so much more momentous the events described as occurring at the exact moment of Jesus' death upon a cross nearly 2000 years ago.
    • The replica of curtain was about 60 feet in height, 30 feet in width and four inches thick. Furthermore, it was torn from top down, meaning this act must have come from above.
      Josephus documents that the veil was four inches thick, and that horses tied to each side could not pull the veil apart.

    There is extra-NON biblical evidence for the Torn Curtain.

    1. Roman historian Tacitus (Hist. V. 13),
    2. Jewish historian Josephus (Wars of the Jews VI, 5, 3)
    3. Jewish Talmud (Jer. Yoma 43c; Yoma 39b) all make reference to some "great catastrophe, betokening the impending destruction of the Temple, (that) had occurred in the Sanctuary about this very time."

    Evidence 10
    Supernatural Accounts
    Deliverance through USING Jesus’s Name
    A good study of deliverance will show anyone there are thousands of testomonies of people who have been possessed by demons have ONLY found success over years with the use of the name of Jesus.

    This has to be the biggest testimony of Jesus, that the powers of darkness are real. Ask any witch, or satanist who works the powers of the darkness how real it is.

    NONE OF THE NAMES of the Hindu Gods stop or deliver demonic activity, Buddha, Mohammed, NONE!! BUT THE Name of Jesus.

    Millions of people have been cured in Jesus's name, and thousands have been delivered by demons in Jesus's name.
    Check out our comments on our website:

    Evidence 11 Geology Reveals Jesus

    - Face on the Bottom of the Floor- of a man weeping with a nail through his wrist.

    "A little science estranges men from God but much science leads them back to him. Louis Pasteur 1822-1895 French Chemist and Bacteriologist

    "We do not know one-millionth of one percent about anything" Thomas Edison

    Henry "Fritz" Schaefer (Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and director of the Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry at the University of Georgia): "The significance and joy in my science comes in those occasional moments of discovering something new and saying to myself, 'So that's how God did it.' My goal is to understand a little corner of God's plan." Sheler, J. L. and J.M. Schrof, "The Creation", U.S. News & World Report (December 23, 1991):56-64.

    "As by this theory innumerable transitional forms must have existed, why do we not find embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth? The number of intermediate links between all living and extinct species must have been inconceivably great!" Charles Darwin

    "The best religion in the world has ever known is the religion of the bible. It builds up all that is good" Rutherford B. Hayes

    "The more profoundly we study this wonderful book, and the more closely we observe it's divine precepts, the better citizens we will become and the higher will be our destiny as a nation" William McKinley

    "Conscience is the internal perception of God's moral law" Oswald Chambers 1974-1917- Led a Bible Teaching Ministry in the US, The United Kingdom and Japan

    "Ah! How foolish we are! How we repeat the folly of our first parent every day when we seek to hide sin from conscience, and then think it is hidden from God" Charles Spurgeon

    "I could prove God statistically. Take the human body alone. The chances that all the functions of the individual would just happen is a statistical monstrosity." George Gallup- Statistician

    "To Suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree" Charles Darwin

    Evidence 11 Geology Reveals Jesus

    - Face on the Bottom of the Floor- of a man weeping with a nail through his wrist.

    "A little science estranges men from God but much science leads them back to him. Louis Pasteur 1822-1895 French Chemist and Bacteriologist

    "We do not know one-millionth of one percent about anything" Thomas Edison

    Henry "Fritz" Schaefer (Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and director of the Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry at the University of Georgia): "The significance and joy in my science comes in those occasional moments of discovering something new and saying to myself, 'So that's how God did it.' My goal is to understand a little corner of God's plan." Sheler, J. L. and J.M. Schrof, "The Creation", U.S. News & World Report (December 23, 1991):56-64.

    "As by this theory innumerable transitional forms must have existed, why do we not find embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth? The number of intermediate links between all living and extinct species must have been inconceivably great!" Charles Darwin

    "The best religion in the world has ever known is the religion of the bible. It builds up all that is good" Rutherford B. Hayes

    "The more profoundly we study this wonderful book, and the more closely we observe it's divine precepts, the better citizens we will become and the higher will be our destiny as a nation" William McKinley

    "Conscience is the internal perception of God's moral law" Oswald Chambers 1974-1917- Led a Bible Teaching Ministry in the US, The United Kingdom and Japan

    "Ah! How foolish we are! How we repeat the folly of our first parent every day when we seek to hide sin from conscience, and then think it is hidden from God" Charles Spurgeon

    "I could prove God statistically. Take the human body alone. The chances that all the functions of the individual would just happen is a statistical monstrosity." George Gallup- Statistician

    "To Suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree" Charles Darwin

    Evidence 12
    Unique Claims Jesus Says Sets Him Apart
    Why Jesus?

    Unique Claims of Christ- Among all the leaders of the major religions, including Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, Lao-tzu, no one else made claims like Jesus.

    1. They believe in Jesus, who claimed to be God (John 8:58; Exodus 3:14)

    2. He claimed to be Yahweh (The God of the Old Testament)(John 8:58)

    3. He Claimed to be the Messiah (Mark 14:61-64)

    4. He claimed equality with God (John 5:18)

    5. He Claimed to have equal authority with God (Matthew 28:18),

    6. He Accepted worship (Matthew 28:17), and that he commanded us to pray in his name (John 14:13-14)

    7. He claimed to have the Authority to forgave sins (Mark 2:5; Luke 5:20; 7:48)

    8. He Claimed he Rose from the dead (Luke 24:24-29; John 2:19f).

    9. Jesus said that He was the only way.

    10. Jesus is both God and man. He is fully God and fully man (Col. 2:9). He was in the form of God, emptied Himself, and became a man (Phil. 2:5-8). As the God man, He is the mediator (1 Tim. 2:5).

    11. Jesus was not created (John 1:1-3), but is the creator of all things (Col. 1:16-17).

    12. Christ Existed Before Everything!

    There are many passages that testify this fact.

    John 1:1-2 states, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning."

    "I tell you the truth, . . . before Abraham was born, I AM!" In this verse Jesus was referring His listeners back to Exodus 3:13,14, where God revealed His name to Moses saying, "I AM WHO I AM...This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM [Yahweh in Hebrew] has sent me to you.'" There are many more references to His claim that He is God (Mt 11:27, Mk 14:61-64, etc.).

    13. Jesus claimed to be sinless

    14. Jesus Claimed to have authority over Satan

    15. Jesus claimed to be born of the virgin, and claimed to be resurrected from death. These claims of Jesus separate Him from leaders of other religions.

    16. Jesus said that He alone was the way to the Father (John 14:6), that He alone revealed the Father (Matt. 11:27; Luke 10:22). Christians do not go around saying Christianity is the only way because they are arrogant, narrow-minded, stupid, and judgmental. They do so because they believe what Jesus said.

    17. God is a trinity of persons:

    1John 5:7

    The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The fingerprints of God are seen all over creation. In Romans 1:20 it says that the invisible attributes of God are clearly seen in creation. Creation is made up of a trinity of trinities: time, space, and matter. Time is past, present, and future. Each "part" is different, yet they are all of the same nature: time. Space is height, width, and depth. Each "part" is different, yet they are all of the same nature: space. Matter is solid, liquid, and gas. Each "part" is different, yet they are all of the same nature: matter.

    18. There are various claims that the disciples made about Jesus -that they gave him the titles of deity (Revelation 1:17), called him the Messiah (Philippians 2:10), prayed to him (Acts 7:59), and called him God (Titus 2:13)

    A. Holiness-to be set apart from the rest (Heb 7:26; Jn 8:46; 2Co 5:21)
    B. Eternal (Isa 9:6; Mic 5:2; Jn 1:1-2; Col 1:17)
    C. Omnipotence-all powerful (Mt 28:18; Heb 1:3; Mt 11:27)
    D. Omniscience-all knowing (Jn 16:30; Mt 9:4; Col 2:3) E. Omnipresence-all present (Jn 1:18; 3:13; Mt 28:20; Eph 1:23) F. Immutability-not changing (Heb 1:11-12; 13:8) G. Ability to create (Col 1:16-17; Jn 1:3; 1Co 8:6) H. Ability to forgive sins (Mk 2:5-10; Lk 24:47; Jn 1:29) I. Right to be worshipped (Mt 8:2; Php 2:10)

    Either Jesus' testimony concerning His deity is true or else He was a liar and a deceiver. People have two choices: either fall at His feet and worship Him or declare Him to be the arch-deceiver of men.

    Buddha didn't rise from the dead, nor did Confucius or Zoroaster.
    Muhammad didn't fulfill detailed prophecy.
    Alexander the Great didn't raise the dead or heal the sick.
    And though there is far less reliable information written about them, they are believed in.
    YOU can have assurance that you are going to heaven when you accept Jesus as your saviour.
    All you have to do is invite him into your life, where as every other religion teaches Heaven is granted by works which no man can ever attain perfect goodness
    All other major world religions, like Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism, teach that we must perfect ourselves in order to be saved.
    However, only Christianity teaches that people will never earn heaven or deserve a right relationship with God. It is because man is a sinner, and he cannot save himself (Rom. 3:23).

    Evidence 13
    Historical Evidence Accuracy of Jesus
    Quotations from Early Church Fathers:

    Of the four Gospels alone, there are 19,368 citations by the church fathers from the late first century on. Unlike any other ancient documents, virtually the entire New Testament could be reconstructed from quotations from the gospels. This argues powerfully that the Gospels were in existence before the MIDDLE of the first century, while some eyewitnesses (including John) were still alive.

    "Luke is a historian of the first rank," he concluded. "Not merely are his statements of fact trustworthy, he is possessed of the true historic sense . . . In short this author should be placed along with the very greatest of historians" (The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament, 1953, p. 80).

    History documents that this man was not a myth but a real person and the historical evidence for this is excellent. Much of these accounts are passages that indicate that Christianity was wide spread in the Roman empire within 30 years of Christ's death. Again, these are eyewitness accounts, not historians looking back years later.

    1. Cornelius Tacitus (55-120 AD), "the greatest historian" of ancient Rome For instance, the Roman historian Tacitus, writing in about 115 A.D., records the events surrounding Emperor Nero in July of A.D. 64. After the fire that destroyed much of Rome, Nero was blamed for being responsible found in (Bettenson, p. 2)

    2. Flavius Josephus (37-97 AD), court historian for Emperor Vespasian:"At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus. And his conduct was good and he was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. And those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive; accordingly, he was perhaps the messiah concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders." (Arabic translation)

    3. Josephus, writing for the Roman government in the 70's A.D. records some incidental things regarding Christ and the church. He confirms that John the Baptist died at the hand of Herod (this same incident is recorded in the gospels) as well as the death of, "The brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James. . . he delivered them to be stoned" (Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book XVIII, ch. V, p. 20; Book XX, ch. IX, p. 140 ).

    4. Julius Africanus, writing around 221 AD

    5. Gaius Suetonius Tranquillas, chief secretary of Emperor Hadrian (117-138 AD)

    6.Pliny the Younger, Roman governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor around 112 AD

    7. Emperor Trajan, in reply to Pliny. Also, In about 112 A.D. the Roman governor of what is now northern Turkey wrote to Emperor Trajan regarding the Christians in his district: Found in (Bettenson, p. 3)

    8. Emporer Hadrian (117-138 AD), in a letter to Minucius Fundanus, the Asian proconsul

    9. The Jewish Talmud, compiled between 70 and 200 AD:"On the eve of the Passover Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald went forth and cried, 'He is going forth to be stoned because he has practised sorcery and enticed Israel to apostacy. Anyone who can say anything in his favour, let him come forward and plead on his behalf.' But since nothing was brought forward in his favour he was hanged on the eve of the Passover."

    10. Lucian, a second century Greek satirist

    11. Mara Bar-Serapion, of Syria, writing between 70 and 200 AD

    12. The Gospel of Truth, probably by Valentius, around 135-160 AD

    13. The Aprocryphon of John, probably by Saturninus, around 120-130 AD

    14. Will Durant, himself not a Christian, wrote concerning Christ's historical validity,(Durant, The Story of Civilization, vol. 3, p. 555). And again, "That a few simple men should in one generation have invented so powerful and appealing a personality, so lofty an ethic and so inspiring a vision of human brotherhood, would be a miracle far more incredible than any recorded in the Gospels" (Ibid., p. 557).

    15. The Gospel of Thomas, probably from 140-200 AD

    16. Acts of Pontius Pilate, reports sent from Pilate to Tiberius, referred to by Justin Martyr (150 AD) Historians questioned the accuracy of the accounts surrounded Pontius Pilate's crucifixion of Jesus. Later it was discovered that Pilate had been appointed by a man named Sejanus who was plotting to overthrow Caesar. Sejanus was executed along with many of his appointees (Delashmutt, Sejanus, p. 55, 56). What this demonstrated was that Pilate was in no position to get in trouble with Rome. The Jews had him in a tight place. If word returned to Rome that Jerusalem was in rebellion, Pilate would be the first to go. The gospel account was confirmed as accurate.

    17. Phlegon, born about 80 AD, as reported by Origen (185-254 AD), mentioned that Jesus made certain predictions which had been fulfilled

    18. Clement, elder of Rome, letter to the Corinthian church (95 AD)

    19. Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, letter to the Trallians (110-115 AD)

    20. Ignatius, letter to the Smyrneans (110-115 AD)

    21. Quadratus, to Emperor Hadrian about 125 AD

    22. Barnabas, written 130-138 AD

    23. (Pseudo-) U

    24. Justin Martyr, to Emperor Antoninus Pius about 150 AD

    25. Lucian

    26. Valentius, around 135-160 AD

    27. Polycarp of Smyrna

    28. Tertullian 200-210

    29. Muratorian Canon 170

    30. Origen 220-350

    31. Caesar Augustus, emperor of Rome

    32. Nero Caesar, emperor of Rome

    33. Annas, high priest

    34. Caiaphas, high priest

    35. Herod the Great

    36. Herod Antipas

    37. Herod Agrippa I

    38. Herod Agrippa II

    39. Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar

    Pontius Pilate described the physical appearance of Jesus.

    "TO TIBERIUS CAESAR:A young man appeared in Galilee preaching with humble unction, a new law in the Name of the God that had sent Him. At first I was apprehensive that His design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between Him and those who were listening to Him. His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about 30 years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions! Unwilling to interrupt Him by my presence, I continued my walk but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. Later, my secretary reported that never had he seen in the works of all the philosophers anything that compared to the teachings of Jesus. He told me that Jesus was neither seditious nor rebellious, so we extended to Him our protection. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble and to address the people. This unlimited freedom provoked the Jews -- not the poor but the rich and powerful.Later, I wrote to Jesus requesting an interview with Him at the Praetorium. He came. When the Nazarene made His appearance I was having my morning walk and as I faced Him my feet seemed fastened with an iron hand to the marble pavement and I trembled in every limb as a guilty culprit, though he was calm. For some time I stood admiring this extraordinary Man. There was nothing in Him that was repelling, nor in His character, yet I felt awed in His presence. I told Him that there was a magnetic simplicity about Him and His personality that elevated Him far above the philosophers and teachers of His day.Now, Noble Sovereign, these are the facts concerning Jesus of Nazareth and I have taken the time to write you in detail concerning these matters. I say that such a man who could convert water into wine, change death into life, disease into health; calm the stormy seas, is not guilty of any criminal offense and as others have said, we must agree -- truly this is the Son of God.Your most obedient servant,Pontius Pilate"

    Evidence 14
    Would they die a Terrible Death for a Lie?

    Look at what the apostles suffered and yet never denied their faith:

    1. Matthew suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia, killed by a sword wound.

    2. Mark died in Alexandria, Egypt, after being dragged by horses through the streets until dead.

    3. Luke was hanged in Greece as a result of his tremendous preaching to the lost

    4. John faced martyrdom when he was boiled in a huge basin of boiling oil during a wave of persecution in Rome. However, he was miraculously delivered from death. John was then sentenced to the mines on the prison island of Patmos. He wrote his prophetic Book of Revelation on Patmos. The apostle John was later freed and returned to serve as Bishop of Edessa in modern Turkey. He died as an old man, the only apostle to die peacefully.

    5. Peter was crucified upside down on an x-shaped cross, according to church tradition because he told his tormentors that he felt unworthy to die in the same way that Jesus Christ had died. The tradition of the early Church recorded that as Peter was being led to his crucifixion he was heard to say, "None but Christ, none but Christ."

    6. James the Just, the leader of the church in Jerusalem, was thrown over a hundred feet down from the southeast pinnacle of the Temple when he refused to deny his faith in Christ. When they discovered that he survived the fall, his enemies beat James to death with a fuller's club. This was the same pinnacle where Satan had taken Jesus during the Temptation.

    7. James the Greater, a son of Zebedee, was a fisherman by trade when Jesus called him to a lifetime of ministry. As a strong leader of the church, James was ultimately beheaded at Jerusalem. The Roman officer who guarded James watched amazed as James defended his faith at his trial. Later, the officer walked beside James to the place of execution. Overcome by conviction, he declared his new faith to the judge and knelt beside James to accept beheading as a Christian.

    8. Bartholomew, also known as Nathanael, was a missionary to Asia, in present day Turkey. Bartholomew was martyred for his preaching in Armenia when he was flayed to death by a whip.

    9. Andrew was crucified on an x-shaped cross in Patras, Greece. After being whipped severely by seven soldiers they tied his body to the cross with cords to prolong his agony. His followers reported that, when he was led toward the cross, Andrew saluted it in these words: "I have long desired and expected this happy hour. The cross has been consecrated by the body of Christ hanging on it." He continued to preach to his tormentors for two days until he expired.

    10. The apostle Thomas was stabbed with a spear in India during one of his missionary trips to establish the church in the sub-continent.

    11. Jude, the brother of Jesus, was killed with arrows when he refused to deny his faith in Christ.

    12. Matthias, the apostle chosen to replace the traitor Judas Iscariot, was stoned and then beheaded.

    13. Barnabas, one of the group of seventy disciples, wrote the Epistle of Barnabas. He preached throughout Italy and Cyprus. Barnabas was stoned to death at Salonica.

    The apostle Paul was tortured and then beheaded by the Emperor Nero at Rome in A.D. 67. Paul endured a lengthy imprisonment which allowed him to write his many epistles to the churches he had formed throughout the Roman Empire.
    These letters, which taught many of the foundational doctrines of Christianity, form a large portion of the New Testament.
    Would you face torture and death like that for something that you knew was a lie?
    The blood spilled by the apostles stands as powerful evidence for the Christian faith.

    Evidence 16
    Coincidental Happenings on Jewish Holidays

    Tisha b'Av on the Jewish calendar falls in late July or early August. It is a date of ironic Jewish tragedies over thousands of years. Are the dates coincidental? Here are just some examples of what happened on Tisha b'Av throughout history:

    1. The first Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. and the second Temple was demolished on the same date by the Romans in 70 A.D.

    2. The Jews were expelled from Spain on that date in 1491.

    3. The Russian pogroms, World War I and World War II all occurred on that day. (Remember, the date varies from year to year.)

    4. The Jews were exiled from England on that date in 1290.

    5. Moses broke the tablets at Mount Sinai following the sin of the golden calf on that date. - It would seem to stretch credulity to suggest that these incidents (and others not listed) fell on Tisha b'Av by coincidence.

    6. Typical for a central eclipse as seen from Jerusalem, observers saw a dark "Full-New-Moon" in front of the Sun caused by light reflected from earth. The same day November 24 was also the beginning of a new Jewish month, the first day of Kislev. Rosh Chodesh Kislev, which refers to the transition day or days between the preceeding month Cheshvan, which consists at times of one day, and at times of two. The Beit Din (Jewish Supreme Court) sanctified the month through the testimony of witnesses, who testified as to when they had seen the New Moon, where in the sky they had seen the New Moon, and exactly what it looked like. Messengers of the Beit Din went out to places distant from "Yerushalayim", to make known when the new month had been sanctified.

    - Kislev is a month with significant Biblical happenings. The first rainbow, observed after the Flood, was seen in Kislev. (Genesis 9: 8-17) "And God said: 'This is the sign of the covenant which I set between Me, and yourselves, and between every living being that is with you, unto eternal generations. I have placed my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of a covenant between Me and the Earth.' " "This is the sign of the covenant" - God showed Noah the bow and said to Him: "This is the sign of which I spoke" (Bereishit 9).

    7. The Israelites left Egypt around (1,250 - 1,350 BCE) depends on who you think was the pharaoh at the time and the dating of them.

    8. The Israelites left Egypt around (1,250 - 1,350 BCE) depends on who you think was the pharaoh at the time and the dating of them.

    9. In the Yom Kippur War. In a sneak attack (October 1973), 80,000 Egyptians overwhelmed 500 Israeli defenders along the Suez and 1,400 Syrian tanks swept down the Golan with only one Israeli tank in service to oppose them. Israel was taken by surprise. Most of her armed forces were on holiday. The initial success of the attackers so electrified the Arab world that nine other Arab states rushed to get in on the slaughter.

    10. The Jewish Passover sacrifice and Jesus Christ's sacrificial death coincide exactly.The dates on which Jesus was taken by the Roman authorities, and then lain, also coincided precisely with the Jewish Passover. Jesus became the Passover Lamb, "without blemish." At the first Passover, described in Exodus 12, God instructed the Israelites to kill a lamb with no blemishes and to put its blood on their door posts. When the angel of death passed through Egypt where the Israelites were being held as slaves, it would pass by any house that had the blood of the a Passover lamb on its door posts. Jesus fulfilled Moses' prophecy of the Passover Lamb because it is through His blood that we can be saved from, or passed over by, death. [Peter and Paul LaLonde, 301 Startling Proofs & Prophecies (Niagra Falls, Ontario, Canada: Prophecy Partners, Inc., 1996).].

    In Depth Study of Chronological Order of Prophecies in the Jubilees- Joseph Dumond
    Order your copy at Prophecy Club

    Joseph Dumond teaches in in-depth study where the Jubilee cycles fall within in prophecy.

    The material Dumond covers are the chronological order of events for the next 37 years:

    - The year 2010 bringing seven years of disease pandemics

    - 2024 portrays the seven year cycle of the fall of America

    -2030 portrays the seven year cycle of the return of the lost tribes to Israel

    -2033 portrays the tribulation ending, and 2045 portrays the beginning of the Millennium.

    He is not setting dates, only teaching what the jubilee cycles portray.

    Watch more Yahoo! Video videos on AOL Video

    Watch more Yahoo! Video videos on AOL Video


    I WOULD HIGHLY SUGGEST the book Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel by William R. Koenig . Koenig does an excellent job of detailing the actions taken by leaders, and sin in specific areas, and the corresponding consequences of Hurricanes and NATURAL disasters. Focus is on Isreal. It is one of the most interesting study topics you will read on the BIBLE and how it relates to our time. YHWH does show himself if you look for him

    Evidence 17
    Reveals YHWH
    • Reliability of the Manuscript evident by the enormous number of manuscripts (more than 24,000), the very short time span between the original and the other manuscripts

    • The Unity of the BIBLE- Inspired by YHWH One of the most amazing things about the Bible is that although it was written by over 40 men of different backgrounds over a period of 1500 years, there is a remarkable unity from cover to cover, an underlying and consistent theme: "God's salvation of man through the Messiah." Why is it that we have Bible CODES through out the entire BIBLE ?

    • Old Testament scholar Gleason Archer Commented on the Dead Sea Scrolls- "they proved to be word for word identical with our standard Hebrew Bible in more that 95 per cent of the text. The 5 per cent of variation consisted chiefly of obvious slips of the pen and variations in spelling." No other historical literature has been so carefully preserved and historically confirmed”
    • "We have given practical proof of our reverence for our own Scriptures. For although such long ages have now passed, no one has ventured either to add, or to remove, or to alter a syllable; and it is an instinct with every Jew, from the day of his birth, to regard them as the decrees of God, to abide by them, and, if need be, cheerfully to die for them"- Josephus
    • Luke mentions other particulars about the offices and titles of officials of the Roman Empire. In every case he gets it right, as confirmed by archaeological discoveries many centuries later."One of the most remarkable tokens of (Luke's) accuracy is his sure familiarity with the proper titles of all the notable persons who are mentioned . . . Cyprus, for example, which was an imperial province until 22 BC, became a senatorial province in that year, and was therefore governed no longer by an imperial legate but by a proconsul. And so, when Paul and Barnabas arrived in Cyprus about AD 47, it was the proconsul Sergius Paullus whom they met . . ." (F.F. Bruce, The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1973, p. 82).

    Evidence 17
    The Bible is Scientifically Accurate
    Reavealing Divine Inspiration

    The Bible IS Scientific Accurate. The Bible Described Scientific details that we ONLY discovered thousands of Years later.

    The Shape of the Earth (Isaiah 40:22)

    The Earth is suspended in nothing (Job. 26:7). This is particularly interesting, considering that the cosmology of other cultures at that time did not have the earth suspended in nothing, but rather upon pillars, or people, or animals.

    The Stars are Innumerable ,"(Job. 26:7, NIV).

    The Existence of Valleys in the Seas (Gen. 15:5, NIV).

    The Existence of Springs and Fountains in the Seas Gen. 8:2; Prov. 8:28.

    The Existence of Water Paths (Ocean Currents) in the Seas (Psalm 8:1,3,6,8).

    The Hydrologic Cycle (Job. 26:8). (Job. 36:27-28) (Ecclesiastes 1:6-7).

    The Concept of Entropy (Psalm 102:22-26).

    The Nature of Health, Sanitation, and Sickness (Leviticus 12-14)

    Incredibly modern medical statements prove that God inspired the Scriptures

    Evidence 17

    The Bible is Absolutely Filled with LOVE and IS Morally Sound

    One significant reality is that science alone can offer no law or moral standard to tell us how to live. Genocide has been perpetrated more than once in this century. Conventional, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons can annihilate entire populations. Look at todays society morally as we have abandoned Yahwah.

    Genuine love and kindness—the kind of Love Jesus displayed, comes with no strings attached.

    Jesus taught to LOVE one another ( John 13:34-35)

    Jesus said "Whatever you want others to do for you, do so for them, " ( Matthew 7:12)

    Jesus taught “But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return” Luke 6:35

    Jesus came not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many." ( Mark 10:43-45)

    Jesus washed his disciples feet with his clothing - "If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you." ( John 13:14-15)

    Jesus says: All who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted, and whoever wishes to be great among you must become a servant.

    Jesus said,Your Pray for the Enemies.

    " You shall not kill"(Exodus 20:13) is One of fundamental Loves.

    “just as the Father knows me and I know the Father -- and I lay down my life for the sheep”. John 10:15, 17-18

    “ Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” Luke 15:4-7

    Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent. Revelation 3:19


    "That book, Sir, is the Rock which our republic rests"Andrew Jackson - President USA"Here is a book worth more than all the other books which were ever printed" Patrick Henry Founding Father USA

    "The bible is the best book in the world. It contains more than all the libraries I have seen" John Adams United States President

    "We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred Writings, that except the Lord built the house, they labor in vein that build it.' I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without HIS concurring aid we shall succeed in this oilitical building no better than the builders of Babel" Benjamin Franklin President USA

    "Most people are bothered by those passages of scriptures they don't understand, but for me I have always noticed that the passages that bother me are those I do understand" Mark Twain

    "I have always said, and always will say, that the studious persusal of the Sacred Volume will make better citizens, better fathers, and better husbands" Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826 Third President of the US Author of the US Declaration of Independence

    "Hold fast to the bible as the sheet anchor of your liberties;write its precepts in your hearts, and practice them in your lives" Ulysses S Grant -1822-1885 18th President of the United States Commander of Union Forces Durning the Civil War

    "No Educated man can afford to be ignorant of the bible" Theodore Roosevelt 1858-1919 26th President of the United States

    "The only way we can know whether we are sinning is by knowing his moral law" Jonathan Edwards- 1703-1758 Third Predident of Princeton

    "In all my perplexities and distresses, the bible has never failed to give me light and strength." Robert E. Lee - 1807 1870 General of the Confederacy Durning the American Civil War

    U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt remarked, "A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education."

    Evidence 18
    The Bible is Divinely Inspired
    Evidence of Mathematics Found in the Bible Reveals YHWH

    Roger Penrose (mathematician and author): "I would say the universe has a purpose. It's not there just somehow by chance." Penrose, R. 1992. A Brief History of Time (movie). Burbank, CA, Paramount Pictures, Inc.

    A: Ivan Panin

    "In 1890 he discovered some phenomenal mathematical designs underlying both the Greek text of the New Testament and the Hebrew text of the Old Testament.He was to devote 50 years of his life painstakingly exploring the numerical structure of the scriptures, generating over 43,000 detailed, hand-penned pages of analysis."

    Ivan Panin proclaimed 'No order at all; and not of God'. He discovered that everything in God's creation: animal, vegetable, or mineral, has a unique mathematical signature.

    B. Faulstich

    Faulstich used a computer program to calculate many timing cycles, including precise moon phases, vernal equinoxes, Sabbath and Jubilee years, Faulstich calculated exact astronomical-based dates for 13 key Biblical events. Faulstich claims that he and his colleagues have achieved
    "A new scientific breakthrough in religious studies," and that his group's work "Shows that the chronology in the Bible is scientifically provable through the exact science of astrophysics. This has the potential to 'prove' that G-d exists, and that the One G-d of the universe is the One G-d of the Bible."Total probability = 10-130


    - Sunday, November 19, 1899 the New York Sun had been devoting the better part of a page of its Sunday edition to the discussion of the truth of Christianity.

    D: You Tube Video - Euler's Number - Intelligent Design In Mathematics- The Mysteries of Pi and e by Chuck Missler

    E: Mathematical Proof of the God of Israel- You Tube Video

    One odd note- By the way, the crucifixion of Jesus took place at Golgotha, elevation = 777 meters above sea level. What a coincidence. panin1.htm

    Frank Tipler (Professor of Mathematical Physics): "When I began my career as a cosmologist some twenty years ago, I was a convinced atheist. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that one day I would be writing a book purporting to show that the central claims of Judeo-Christian theology are in fact true, that these claims are straightforward deductions of the laws of physics as we now understand them. I have been forced into these conclusions by the inexorable logic of my own special branch of physics." Note: Tipler since has actually converted to Christianity, hence his latest book, The Physics Of Christianity. Tipler, F.J. 1994. The Physics Of Immortality. New York, Doubleday, Preface.

    Alexander Polyakov (Soviet mathematician): "We know that nature is described by the best of all possible mathematics because God created it." Gannes, S. October 13, 1986. Fortune. p. 57

    "Worshipping God and the Lamb in the temple:God, for his benefaction in creating all things, and the lamb, for his benefaction in redeeming us with his blood" Isaac Newton 1642-1747 British Physicist and Mathematician

    ".....your gain is so certain and your risk so negligible, that in the end you will realize that you have wagered on something certain and infinite for which you have paid nothinf" Blaise Pascal 1623-1662- French Mathematician and Physicist- Invented the worlds first working computer, vacuum cleaner and public transportation system and Outspoken CHRISTIAN

    Evidence 19
    Divine Inspiration
    THOUSANDS of Bible Codes Revals YHWH
    The bible codes are one supreme example of evidence God has given us in the last days because he knew at this time there would be even greater skepticism. Take it or leave the bible code evidence, the Bible codes are one of the new evidences for the Bible's accuracy.
    • For more of an in-depth study on the explanation of Bible codes, please see Grant Jeffrey’s website as he has written some of the best material on the subject of bible codes. Jeffrey shows that codes also appear in the New Testament, as most have sought them out in the Old Testament.
    • Another fantastic site is where you can find bible codes of current events that are happening in our day such as our president, the United States and events in the world
    • Did you know that in the Torah (Old Testament) every 666th letter spells out the phrase "Satan the accuser". This happens exactly 7 times. Isn't that interesting?- Grant Jeffrey
    • Did you know in Genesis 1:17, the surface written Word talks about God creating light. (Taken from Grant Jeffrey) Yacov Rambsel, a Messianic Jewish Pastor (reference his book: The Genesis Factor) found that beneath this, that every 94th character spells out the following phrase: "Lighthouse speed conceived". Also, in that same area of text, the Bible Codes reveal: "186,282", which is the exact speed of light per second.
    • **Statstical Science in 1994 by Witztum, Rips, and Rosenberg**. With great statistical rigor, the authors show that the 78,064 Hebrew letters of the Book of Genesis, when set out with no spaces or punctuation, can be searched by a computer for specific words spelled out by ELS codes. Specifically, they set out to see if they could find the names of 32 famous rabbis in Genesis. Not only did they find ELS codes that spelled out all 32 rabbis, but near their names were coded their birth dates or death dates, or sometimes both. How could any author have known these details 2000 years before these men lived?This is amazing enough. ~~The odds are said to be one in ten million!~~ - Grant Jeffrey


    Let us point out some of the criticisms of the bible codes

    (Taken from -Reasons to Believe Kenneth Samples)

    A- They are a distraction from the central teaching of the Bible. The message of the Bible centers on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    B-The Bible Codes make the Bible into a secret mystery document that contains esoteric truths which can be compared to ancient heresy Gnosticism, which the bible is not. Salvation is very easy to attain, as it is not by our own works, but receiving the gift of Christ into our lives.

    C- Some skeptics claim that bible codes are not special, as they have found codes in 2 other books, such as Moby Dick and War and Peace.

    D- The Bible Codes contains some predictions that have not come to pass (Dt 18:20-21). It is therefore disqualified as divine prophecy.


    I agree with all those opinions. Should we throw out the bible codes? No.

    Here is the DIFFERENCES with the Bible Codes:

    1. They Contain CLUSTERS of Revelent Words in the same paragrah. Remember - Moby Dick has 10 Codes in total, …. The Bible has THOUSANDS of codes, with current events of our day. With those names, are clusters of words that go along with it in the same location. Below we explain this point in more detail.

    2. The BIBLE Codes have a precise location in the bible revelant to the readable text. Think of the example this way. (Just an example) In Exodus - go to the location in Exodus where it talks about the Jewish people leaving Egypt out of slavery, - the bible code would appear in THAT exact place of MILLIONS of people leaving their countries on a future date to Israel. AND those Bible codes would have about 20 or so codes that pertain to that current event. See the difference?

    Point 1 Example –

    Moby Dick has a total of 10 or more codes total. Sure, that is special. Take this for example,
    The Term “Holocaust” is found in Genesis 8, Deuteronomy 8-10 and Deuteronomy 30-33.


    (ELS in the Deuteronomy cluster):

    “Make Secret the Anger of the Living

    Terminate Anti-Semitism”

    “Where? Here. There is a Swastika for Your Friend So You Can Calm Down”



    Horrible shower














    Mein Kampf.

    Found Here:

    (ELS in the Genesis Cluster “They Slept and You Raised Him. And the Nazi and Enemy Barked at the Tabernacle”, Hitler, Himmler, Eichmann, Auschwitz, Nazi, Germany, evil man, Zyklon B)

    Point 2 Example –

    Perhaps the strongest connection between these codes and the literal text above it takes place in the Deuteronomy 30-33 passage, which describes Moses’ farewell to the chosen people as they are about to wind up a 40-year trek through the wilderness. (The most relevant text is in capitals.)“For I know that after my death you will . . . turn aside from the way which I have commanded you; AND EVIL WILL BEFALL YOU IN THE LATTER DAYS.” (Deuteronomy 31:29) This could have been referring to the ravages of the Jews by either the Babylonians or the Nazis, or both.He continues, “They shall be wasted with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction . . . the sword outside, and terror inside, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also along with the man with gray hairs.” (Deuteronomy 32:24-25)

    Found -

    Evidence 19
    Bible Codes

    Supernaturally Tieing the First 5 Books together

    The Old Testament is broken into 6 main sections.

    1. History- Genesis

    2. Law- Exodus through Deuteronomy

    3. History - Joshua through Ester

    4. Poetry- Job though Song of Solomon

    5. Major Prophets- Isiah through Daniel

    6. Minor Prophets- Hosea through Malachi


    By skipping the first 50 words and then another 50 words, the word 'Torah' -was spelt out at the beginning of the Book of Genesis

    Additionally, it is also spelled outAt the beginning of the Second Book of Exodus (50 words and then another 50 words)

    At the beginning of the Third Book of Numbers (50 words and then another 50 words)

    At the beginning of the Forth Book of Deuteronomy (50 words and then another 50 words)

    - Rabbi H.M.D Found this stunning Bible Code- Weissmandel in Prague******In August, 1994, they published a paper called "Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis" in one of the most prominent scientific mathematics journals in the world, the American mathematics journal Statistical Science.

    Evidence 20


    A: The Exodus

    Moses performed many miracles while leading the Hebrew people out of Egypt and back to their ancestral homeland. He turned staffs into snakes, turned the waters of the Nile into blood, filled the land of Egypt with frogs, and then maggots, and then swarms of flies. Then all the first-born of Egyptian families died. When Pharaoh’s armies chased the fleeing Israelites to the banks of the Red Sea, God caused the waters of this sea to part so that the Israelites could cross safely. Then, with a wave of Moses’ hand, the sea waters came back to drown Pharaoh’s armies. Yes, Moses performed miracles.
    Confirmed with Archeology Proof??????????

    B: Tearing of the curtain 60 feet in height, 30 feet in width and 4 inches thick

    A thick curtain separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place.

    During the lifetime time of Jesus, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem was the center of Jewish religious life. Here was the place that animal sacrifices were carried out, and worship according to the Law of Moses was commanded, and followed faithfully.

    What was the purpose of this curtain?

    Essentially, it was shielding a holy God from sinful man. Whoever entered into the Holy of Holies was entering the very presence of God. In fact, anyone except the high priest who entered the Holy of Holies would die.

    The size and thickness of the veil makes so much more momentous the events described as occurring at the exact moment of Jesus' death upon a cross nearly 2000 years ago.

    The replica of curtain was about 60 feet in height, 30 feet in width and four inches thick.

    Furthermore, it was torn from top down, meaning this act must have come from above.

    Josephus documents that the veil was four inches thick, and that horses tied to each side could not pull the veil apart."

    And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. And behold, the veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom..." (Matthew 27:50-51a)

    The veil was torn and Jesus built a bridge to GOD rather than animal sacrifices for sin. It now signified that the way into the Holy of Holies was open for all people, for all time, both Jew and gentile through Jesus Christ.

    There is extra-NON biblical evidence for the Torn Curtain.

    1. Roman historian Tacitus (Hist. V. 13),
    2. Jewish historian Josephus (Wars of the Jews VI, 5, 3)
    3. Jewish Talmud (Jer. Yoma 43c; Yoma 39b) all make reference to some "great catastrophe, betokening the impending destruction of the Temple, (that) had occurred in the Sanctuary about this very time."

    Evidence 21
    A The JUST Right UNIVERSE Reveals YHWH

    The latest astronomical discoveries about the universe testifies to the necessity of a divine designer. Take for consideration that If earth were even a few hundred miles closer or further away from the sun, it would not be capable of supporting much of the life it currently does. If the elements in our atmosphere were even a few percentage points different, every living thing on earth would die.
    Robert Jastrow, a former NASA director, comments:"A sound explanation may exist for the explosive birth of our Universe; but if it does, science cannot find out what the explanation is. The scientist's pursuit of the past ends in the moment of creation.
    Arno Penzias (Nobel prize in physics): "Astronomy leads us to a unique event, a universe which was created out of nothing, one with the very delicate balance needed to provide exactly the conditions required to permit life, and one which has an underlying (one might say 'supernatural') plan." Margenau, H and R.A. Varghese, ed. 1992. Cosmos, Bios, and Theos. La Salle, IL, Open Court, p. 83
    To achieve the precise rate and timing of the cosmic slowing down and speeding up,The Below characteristics of the universe must be fixed with exacting precision.
    (The constants of the laws of physics have been finely tuned to a degree NOT possible through human engineering.)
    1. The Mass Density cannot vary by more than 10-60
    (1 IN 10 to the 60th Power)

    2. The Space Energy density cannot vary by more than One part in 10120
    (1 IN -10 to the 120th power) (that’s 120 zeroes behind the 1).7

    3. Ratio of Electrons:Protons Cannot Vary more than 1:1037
    (1 IN 10 to the 37th Power)

    4. Ratio of Electromagnetic Cannot Vary more than 1:1040
    (1 IN 10 to the 40th Power)

    5. Force: Gravity Protons Cannot Vary more than 1:1040
    (1 IN 10 to the 40th Power)

    6. Expansion Rate of Universe Protons Cannot Vary more than 1:1055
    (1 IN 10 to the 55th Power)

    7. Mass of Universe Protons Cannot Vary more than 1:1059
    (1 IN 10 to the 59th Power)

    8. Cosmological Constant Protons Cannot Vary more than 1:10120
    (1 IN 10 to the 120th Power)
    "Advances in deep space astronomy and other technologies during the 1990's have shown that the Bible and science are correlated with each other. In addition, the sequence of events in the Genesis creation account is correlated with astrophysical models and geological and fossil evidence that describe the formation of the earth and its inhabitants from the perspective of Genesis that is the earth's surface." (See The Genesis Question by Dr. Hugh Ross, Navpress, 1998)

    Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries." Jastrow, R. 1978. God and the Astronomers. New York, W.W. Norton, p. 116.

    Drs. Zehavi, and Dekel (cosmologists): "This type of universe, however, seems to require a degree of fine tuning of the initial conditions that is in apparent conflict with 'common wisdom'." Zehavi, I, and A. Dekel. 1999. Evidence for a positive cosmological constant from flows of galaxies and distant supernovae Nature 401: 252-254.
    Fine Tuning Parameters for the Universe

    The Fine-Tuning of the Initial conditions: the so-called "Anthropic Coincidences"
    Taken from Big Bang Refined by Fire by Dr. Hugh Ross, 1998. Reasons To Believe, Pasadena, CA.
    1. Strong nuclear Force Constant- if larger: no hydrogen would form; atomic nuclei for most life-essential elements would be unstable; thus, no life chemistry if smaller: no elements heavier than hydrogen would form: again, no life chemistry
    2. Weak Nuclear Force Constant if larger: too much hydrogen would convert to helium in big bang; hence, stars would convert too much matter into heavy elements making life chemistry impossible if smaller: too little helium would be produced from big bang; hence, stars would convert too little matter into heavy elements making life chemistry impossible
    3. Gravitational Force Constant if larger: stars would be too hot and would burn too rapidly and too unevenly for life chemistry if smaller: stars would be too cool to ignite nuclear fusion; thus, many of the elements needed for life chemistry would never form
    4. Electromagnetic Force Constant if greater: chemical bonding would be disrupted; elements more massive than boron would be unstable to fission if lesser: chemical bonding would be insufficient for life chemistry
    5. Ratio of Electromagnetic Force Constant TO Gravitational Force Constant if larger: all stars would be at least 40% more massive than the sun; hence, stellar burning would be too brief and too uneven for life support if smaller: all stars would be at least 20% less massive than the sun, thus incapable of producing heavy elements
    6. Ratio of electron to Proton Mass if larger: chemical bonding would be insufficient for life chemistry if smaller: same as above
    7. Ratio of number of protons to number of electrons if larger: electromagnetism would dominate gravity, preventing galaxy, star, and planet formation if smaller: same as above

    8. Expansion rate of the Universe if larger: no galaxies would form if smaller: universe would collapse, even before stars formed

    9. Entropy level of the Universe if larger: stars would not form within proto-galaxies if smaller: no proto-galaxies would form

    10. Mass density of the Universe- if larger: overabundance of deuterium from big bang would cause stars to burn rapidly, too rapidly for life to form, if smaller: insufficient helium from big bang would result in a shortage of heavy elements
    11. Velocity of Light if faster: stars would be too luminous for life support if slower: stars would be insufficiently luminous for life support
    12. Age of the Universe if older: no solar-type stars in a stable burning phase would exist in the right (for life) part of the galaxy if younger: solar-type stars in a stable burning phase would not yet have formed
    13. Initial Uniformity of Radiation if more uniform: stars, star clusters, and galaxies would not have formed if less uniform: universe by now would be mostly black holes and empty space '

    14. Average distance between Galaxies if larger: star formation late enough in the history of the universe would be hampered by lack of material if smaller: gravitational tug-of-wars would destabilize the sun's orbit
    15. Density of Galaxy Cluster if denser: galaxy collisions and mergers would disrupt the sun's orbit if less dense: star formation late enough in the history of the universe would be hampered by lack of material
    16. Average Distance between Stars if larger: heavy element density would be too sparse for rocky planets to form if smaller: planetary orbits would be too unstable for life

    17.Fine Structure Constant (describing the fine-structure splitting of spectral lines) if larger: all stars would be at least 30% less massive than the sun if larger than 0.06: matter would be unstable in large magnetic fields if smaller: all stars would be at least 80% more massive than the sun
    18. Decay Rate of Protons if greater: life would be exterminated by the release of radiation if smaller: universe would contain insufficient matter for life
    19. 12C to 16O Nuclear Energy Level Ratio if larger: universe would contain insufficient oxygen for life if smaller: universe would contain insufficient carbon for life
    20. Ground State Energy level for 4He if larger: universe would contain insufficient carbon and oxygen for life if smaller: same as above
    21. Decay rate of 8: Be if slower: heavy element fusion would generate catastrophic explosions in all the stars if faster: no element heavier than beryllium would form; thus, no life chemistry

    22.Ratio of Neutron Mass to Proton Mass if higher: neutron decay would yield too few neutrons for the formation of many life-essential elements if lower: neutron decay would produce so many neutrons as to collapse all stars into neutron stars or black holes
    23. Initial Excess of Nucleons over Anti-nucleons if greater: radiation would prohibit planet formation if lesser: matter would be insufficient for galaxy or star formation
    24.Polarity of the Water Molecule if greater: heat of fusion and vaporization would be too high for life if smaller: heat of fusion and vaporization would be too low for life; liquid water would not work as a solvent for life chemistry; ice would not float, and a runaway freeze-up would result
    25. Supernovae Eruptions if too close, too frequent, or too late: radiation would exterminate life on the planet if too distant, too infrequent, or too soon: heavy elements would be too sparse for rocky planets to form

    26. White Dwarf Binaries if too few: insufficient fluorine would exist for life chemistry if too many: planetary orbits would be too unstable for life if formed too soon: insufficient fluorine production if formed too late: fluorine would arrive too late for life chemistry
    27. Ratio of Exotic Matter Mass to Ordinary Matter Mass if larger: universe would collapse before solar-type stars could form if smaller: no galaxies would form
    28. Number of Effective Dimensions in the Early Universe if larger: quantum mechanics, gravity, and relativity could not coexist; thus, life would be impossible if smaller: same result
    29. Number of Effective Dimensions in the Present Universe if smaller: electron, planet, and star orbits would become unstable if larger: same result
    30. Mass of the Neutrino if smaller: galaxy clusters, galaxies, and stars would not form if larger: galaxy clusters and galaxies would be too dense
    31. Big Bang Ripples if smaller: galaxies would not form; universe would expand too rapidly if larger: galaxies/galaxy clusters would be too dense for life; black holes would dominate; universe would collapse before life-site could form
    32. Size of the Relativistic Dilation Factor if smaller: certain life-essential chemical reactions will not function properly if larger: same result
    33. Uncertainty Magnitude in the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle if smaller: oxygen transport to body cells would be too small and certain life-essential elements would be unstable if larger: oxygen transport to body cells would be too great and certain life-essential elements would be unstable
    34. Cosmological Constant if larger: universe would expand too quickly to form solar-type stars
    Taken from Big Bang Refined by Fire by Dr. Hugh Ross, 1998. Reasons To Believe, Pasadena, CA.

    Alan Sandage (winner of the Crawford prize in astronomy): "I find it quite improbable that such order came out of chaos. There has to be some organizing principle. God to me is a mystery but is the explanation for the miracle of existence, why there is something instead of nothing." Willford, J.N. March 12, 1991. Sizing up the Cosmos: An Astronomers Quest. New York Times, p. B9.

    John O'Keefe (astronomer at NASA): "We are, by astronomical standards, a pampered, cosseted, cherished group of creatures.. .. If the Universe had not been made with the most exacting precision we could never have come into existence. It is my view that these circumstances indicate the universe was created for man to live in." Heeren, F. 1995. Show Me God. Wheeling, IL, Searchlight Publications, p. 200.


    Creation Biochemistry Reveals YWHW

      Carl Woese (microbiologist from the University of Illinois) "Life in Universe - rare or unique? I walk both sides of that street. One day I can say that given the 100 billion stars in our galaxy and the 100 billion or more galaxies, there have to be some planets that formed and evolved in ways very, very like the Earth has, and so would contain microbial life at least. There are other days when I say that the anthropic principal, which makes this universe a special one out of an uncountably large number of universes, may not apply only to that aspect of nature we define in the realm of physics, but may extend to chemistry and biology. In that case life on Earth could be entirely unique." Mullen, L. 2001. The Three Domains of Life from

    • The odds of A single protein molecule forming by chance is 1:10 TO THE 243 POWER (that is a 10 followed by 243 0’s). A single cell is comprised of millions of protein molecules.

    • They estimate the Odds of the evolution of the human genome by chance to be on the order of 4-360th Power (110,000), a number which is so huge that to call it astronomical would be a wild understatement. In other words, if evolution did occur, it would have been a miracle, so that evolution is actually evidence for the existence of God!

    - Barrowand Tipler The Anthropic Cosmological Principle

    "Now that science is able to break material substances down to their basic constituents, it has been found that all matter consists of a limited number of elements, which are common to all living and non living things. In other words, man is made of exactly the same things as soil".- Richard Gunther

    Remarkable Discoveries that Prove the Existance of A Designer:

    - Scientiests have Uncovered Remarkable Research discoveries about the nature of the atom.

    - Discoveries regarding DNA has uncovered the language of God.

    - The Irreducibly Complex Biological Mechanisms Reveal YWHW

    Fantastic In Depth Information on Biochemistry Proves YHWH

    Error Control Coding and Genetic Information Processing Reveals YHWH

    DNA Optimized for Photostability, Adds to the Evidence for Design

    By Fazale ‘Fuz’ Rana, Ph.D

    - The Molecular Machines of a Cell- Lee Strobel, Michael Behe, Scott Minnich

    LAMININ The Supremacy of Christ over Biology!

    "I was reminded of this a few months ago when I saw a survey in the journal Nature. It revealed that 40% of American physicists, biologists and mathematicians believe in God--and not just some metaphysical abstraction, but a deity who takes an active interest in our affairs and hears our prayers: the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." Jim Holt. 1997. Science Resurrects God. The Wall Street Journal (December 24, 1997), Dow Jones & Co., Inc.

    Fred Hoyle (British astrophysicist): "A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a superintellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature. The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question." Hoyle, F. 1982. The Universe: Past and Present Reflections. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics: 20:16.

    George Ellis (British astrophysicist): "Amazing fine tuning occurs in the laws that make this [complexity] possible. Realization of the complexity of what is accomplished makes it very difficult not to use the word 'miraculous' without taking a stand as to the ontological status of the word." Ellis, G.F.R. 1993. The Anthropic Principle: Laws and Environments. The Anthropic Principle, F. Bertola and U.Curi, ed. New York, Cambridge University Press, p. 30.

    Paul Davies (British astrophysicist): "There is for me powerful evidence that there is something going on behind it all....It seems as though somebody has fine-tuned nature's numbers to make the Universe....The impression of design is overwhelming". Davies, P. 1988. The Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries in Nature's Creative Ability To Order the Universe. New York: Simon and Schuster, p.203

    Paul Davies: "The laws [of physics] ... seem to be the product of exceedingly ingenious design... The universe must have a purpose". Davies, P. 1984. Superforce: The Search for a Grand Unified Theory of Nature. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984), p. 243.

    Tony Rothman (physicist): "When confronted with the order and beauty of the universe and the strange coincidences of nature, it's very tempting to take the leap of faith from science into religion. I am sure many physicists want to. I only wish they would admit it." Casti, J.L. 1989. Paradigms Lost. New York, Avon Books, p.482-483.

    Stephen Hawking (British astrophysicist): "Then we shall be able to take part in the discussion of the question of why it is that we and the universe exist. If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason - for then we would know the mind of God." Hawking, S. 1988. A Brief History of Time. p. 175.

    Vera Kistiakowsky (MIT physicist): "The exquisite order displayed by our scientific understanding of the physical world calls for the divine." Margenau, H and R.A. Varghese, ed. 1992. Cosmos, Bios, and Theos. La Salle, IL, Open Court, p. 52.

    Arthur Eddington (astrophysicist): "The idea of a universal mind or Logos would be, I think, a fairly plausible inference from the present state of scientific theory." Heeren, F. 1995. Show Me God. Wheeling, IL, Searchlight Publications, p. 233.

    Arno Penzias (Nobel prize in physics): "Astronomy leads us to a unique event, a universe which was created out of nothing, one with the very delicate balance needed to provide exactly the conditions required to permit life, and one which has an underlying (one might say 'supernatural') plan." Margenau, H and R.A. Varghese, ed. 1992. Cosmos, Bios, and Theos. La Salle, IL, Open Court, p. 83

    Arthur L. Schawlow (Professor of Physics at Stanford University, 1981 Nobel Prize in physics): "It seems to me that when confronted with the marvels of life and the universe, one must ask why and not just how. The only possible answers are religious. . . . I find a need for God in the universe and in my own life." Margenau, H. and R. A. Varghese, eds. Cosmos, Bios, Theos: Scientists Reflect on Science, God, and the Origins of the Universe, Life, and Homo Sapiens (Open Court Pub. Co., La Salle, IL, 1992).

    Wernher von Braun (Pioneer rocket engineer) "I find it as difficult to understand a scientist who does not acknowledge the presence of a superior rationality behind the existence of the universe as it is to comprehend a theologian who would deny the advances of science." McIver, T. 1986. Ancient Tales and Space-Age Myths of Creationist Evangelism. The Skeptical Inquirer 10:258-276.

    Antony Flew (Professor of Philosophy, former atheist, author, and debater) "It now seems to me that the findings of more than fifty years of DNA research have provided materials for a new and enormously powerful argument to design." Atheist Becomes Theist: Exclusive Interview with Former Atheist Antony Flew - Biola University

    Frank Tipler (Professor of Mathematical Physics): "From the perspective of the latest physical theories, Christianity is not a mere religion, but an experimentally testable science." Tipler, F.J. 2007. The Physics Of Christianity. New York, Doubleday.

    "In every true searcher of Nature there is a kind of religious reverence, for he finds it impossible to imagine that he is the first to have thought out the exceedingly delicate threads that connect his perceptions" Albert Einstein 1921 Nobel Prize Physics

    "The missionary church is a praying church. The history of missions is a history of prayer. Everything vital to the success of the world's evangelism hinges on prayer. Are thousands of missionaries and tens of thousands of native workers needed? "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He send forth laboreres into his harvest" John R Mott 1865-1955 Nobel Peace Prize Co-winner of 1946

    Evidence 24

    Archaeology Confirms The Bible

    "It may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever contradicted a biblical reference." - Nelson Glueck, a respected Jewish archaeologist

    A relatively small part of the remains of the biblical world has been excavated. Of some 5,000 known sites of archaeological significance in Palestine, only about 350 have been excavated, and of these only about 2 percent have been extensively excavated. Of those that have been excavated, it is a fact that the entire Bible holds a remarkable track record of accuracy when compared with the finds unearthed through archaeology.
    Mario Seiglie

    Archaeologist Nelson Glueck has concluded, "no archaeological discovery has ever been made that contradicts or controverts historical statements in Scripture"

    Gleason Archer, a scholar of biblical studies and languages of recent years, writes about attributes of the Bible: "As I have dealt with one apparent discrepancy after another and have studied the alleged contradictions between the biblical record and the evidence of linguistics, archaeology, or science, my confidence in the trustworthiness of Scripture has been repeatedly verified and strengthened by the discovery that almost every problem in Scripture that has ever been discovered by man, from ancient times until now, has been dealt with in a completely satisfactory manner by the biblical text itself-or else by objective archaeological information" (Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1982, p. 12).

    Frank E. Gaebelein, an eminently qualified author and general editor of The Expositor's Bible Commentary, has remarked that "the attitude of suspended judgment toward Bible difficulties . . . is constantly being vindicated, as archaeology has solved one Biblical problem after another, and as painstaking re-examination of discrepancies has finally led to answers" (The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1979, Vol. 1. p. 31).


    The Exodus/ Parting the RED Sea

    In Exodus 12:31-42 God- YHWH Free's his people from Pharoah out of Egyptian Slavery. They are making their way in the desert, and Pharoah changes his mind, sending out a fleet of army after the Jewish people. Moses leads them to the Red Sea, where God Parts the sea allowing the people to walk across the sea. As they are almost across, they see the army half way behind them. The walls of water come tumbling down, when the Jewish people have made it across.

    In 1988, Archeologist Ron Wyatt made an amazing discovery of a Chariot WEEL found on the bottom of the Red Sea. The Chariot wheel was found fixed to axels standing at attention on the seabed. Pictures document a 4-spoked chariot wheel on the Red Sea seabed.

    An Archeologist - Aaron Sen has dived on several occasions at this site, and can testify to the validity of the discovery of the chariot wheels. In March 1998, he photographed the remains of a four-spoke chariot wheel, and has taken up human bones of which there is 'dozens' scattered on the seabed.

    One specimen was validated at the Department of Osteology at Stockholm University, proving to be a human, male, right side femur.

    Ancient inscriptions ALSO have been found at the Wadi Mukatteb ("The Valley of Writing") on the Sinai Peninsula. It has been commonly agreed by experts that the escaped Hebrew slaves of Egypt made the inscriptions as they passed through the area under the leadership of Moses.

    ACCOUNTS- Historian Diodorus Siculus, about 10 B.C. -

    ACCOUNTS- In 518 A.D. Cosmas Indicopleustes, a Byzantine Christian writer, also mentions the ancient inscriptions.

    ACCOUNTS- Josephus in Josephus Against Apion. I, 26, 27, 32- This confirms the Old Testament's chronology for the exodus occurring in 1460 BC.

    ACCOUNTS -EVIDENCE of the EXODUS- Flavius Josephus was a Jewish historian born in AD 37. Writings identifying Joseph and Moses as Jewish leaders

    ACCOUNTS -EVIDENCE of the EXODUS- Herodotus, an ancient Grecian historian, discusses the Exodus


    Noah's ArK- The Great Flood

    ". . . The science of modern archaeology and historical philology actually provides verification of the most ancient biblical texts. Whereas . . . throughout the nineteenth century and almost up to the Second World War, systematic criticism of the Old Testament texts tended to destroy their historicity, and to reduce the Pentateuch, in particular, to mere myth or tribal legend, the trend over the last half-century has been quite in the opposite direction. The Flood, for instance, has been restored to history. Archaeological discovery provides now a firm historical background to the patriarchal society described in the Book of Genesis" (Paul Johnson, The Quest for God, p. 12).


    Giants or Nephilim Accounts

    (To Come)


    Tower Of Babel

    (To Come)


    SODOM and Gommorrah

    "Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens."

    The ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah have been discovered southeast of the Dead Sea. Evidence at the site is consistent with the biblical account

    The destruction debris was about 3 feet thick and buildings were burned from fires that started on the rooftops. Geologist Frederick Clapp theorizes that that pressure from an earthquake could have spewed out sulfur-laden bitumen (similar to asphalt) known to be in the area through the fault line upon which the cities rest. The dense smoke reported by Abraham is consistent with a fire from such material, which could have ignited by a spark or ground fire.


    The Plagues of Egypt

    In the Bible we find in Exodus 7 – 12 when Moses and Aaron approached Pharaoh, and delivered God's demand that the Israelite slaves be allowed to leave Egypt so they could worship God freely. After an initial refusal by Pharaoh, God sent Moses and Aaron back to show him a miraculous sign of warning - Aaron's staff turned into a serpent. Pharaoh's sorcerers also turned their staffs into snakes, but Aaron's Snake then proceeded to swallow their Snakes before turning back to a staff. Pharaoh’s heart was hardened and he REFUSED to let the Jewish slaves free. GOD- (YHWH) then delivered 10 plagues upon Egypt to demonstrate who the TRUE and living God was - and the rescue of his people to return to Israel.

    Diodorus Siculus,- Greek Historian from Sicily living from 80 BC to approximately 15 BC (20 years before Christ's birth in AD 5 or 6)Diodorus Siculus wrote, "In ancient times there happened a great plague in Egypt, and many ascribed the cause of it to God, who was offended with them because there were many strangers in the land, by whom foreign rites and ceremonies were employed in their worship of the deity. The Egyptians concluded; therefore, that unless all strangers were driven out of the country, they should never be freed from their miseries."

    Walls Of Jericho

    Walls of Jericho—discovery in 1930s by John Garstang. The walls fell suddenly, and outwardly (unique), so Israelites could clamber over the ruins into the city (Joshua 6:20).Excavated by John Garstang in the 1930s and dated to around 1400 BC; re-excavated byKathleen Kenyon in the 1950s the (destruction of) Walls of Jericho1550 BC

    Archaeology Confirms The Bible

    Below are SUPPORTIVE Archeological Finds that CONFIRM that the BIBLE IS ACCURATE


    Ebla Tablets The Clay Tablets date from around 2300 B.C. They demonstrate names in the Patriarchal accounts in the BIBLE are genuine. In use in Ebla was the name "Canaan," a name critics once said was not used at that time and was used incorrectly in the early chapters of the Bible. The tablets refer to all five "cities of the plain" mentioned in Genesis 14, previously assumed to have been mere legends.

    1. The Tablet Testifies the BIBLE has the Accurate Egyptian names: Potiphar (Gen.39), Zaphenath-Paneah (Joseph's Egyptian name, Gen. 41:45), Asenath (Gen.41:45), On (Gen. 41:45), Rameses (Gen. 47:11), Oithom (Exodus 1:11).

    2. Finds in Egypt are consistent with the Time, Place, Biblical accounts of the Israelites in Egypt.

    Merneptah Stela—Dated c. 1200 BC to 12 07 BC is an inscription of the Egyptian Pharaoh Merneptah contains the earliest reference to a people called Israel.. (Merneptah was the pharaoh that ruled Egypt in 1212-1202 B.C.) The context of the stela indicates that Israel was a significant entity in the late 13th century B.C. Mesha stele - Discovered at Dhiban, Jordan (ancient Moab), in 1868.- The stele, erected by the Moabite king Meshe, mentions the Israelite king Omri and records vessels of YHWH received as tribute.

    In 1993, A 9th century B.C. inscription at Tel Dan. The words carved into a chunk of basalt refer to the "House of David" and the "King of Israel." And the Bible's version of Israelite history after the reign of David's son, Solomon, is believed to be based on historical fact because it is corroborated by independent account of Egyptian and Assyrian inscriptions. Tel Dan Stele a city marking the northern boundary of the ancient kingdom of Israel. The stele contains an inscription by an Aramean king describing his victory over two other kings, one of them the king of Israel, the other a king described as being of the "House of David". This represents the earliest known instance of this phrase from an archaeological context.

    The Assyrian Empire was a powerful empire. At the time of Jesus, no physical evidence of Nineveh was seen. YET, again, the Bible can be validated as true, as the excavations at Nineveh and other cities around the area produced a staggering amount of evidence including "tens of thousands of tablets" containing "an immense amount of data" (The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, Abingdon Press, Nashville, 1962, Vol. 1, s.v. "Assyria and Babylon," p. 275). This is unique because at one time Nineveh was a laughing joke that it even existed. : "Nineveh has perished. No trace of it remains. No one can say where once it existed" (Magnusson, p. 175).

    The Hittites were once thought to be a biblical legend, until their capital and records were discovered in Turkey. An entire cache of Hittite legal documents from 1400 B.C. Confirms many details of Genesis, Deuteronomy

    In 1986 - An Ancient seal belonging to Baruch, son of Neriah, a scribe who recorded the prophecies of Jeremiah (Jer. 45:11).

    In 1990, Harvard researchers Unearthed a silver-plated bronze calf figurine reminiscent of the huge golden calf mentioned in the book of Exodus.

    It was once claimed there was no Assyrian king named Sargon as recorded in Isaiah 20:1, because this name was not known in any other record. Then, Sargon's palace was discovered in Iraq. The very event mentioned in Isaiah 20, his capture of Ashdod, was recorded in the palace walls! Even more, fragments of a stela (a poetic eulogy) memorializing the victory were found at Ashdod itself.

    Another king who was in doubt was Belshazzar, king of Babylon, named in Daniel 5. The last king of Babylon was Nabonidus according to recorded history. Tablet was found showing that Belshazzar was Nabonidus' son.

    8th century BC Seal-impressions bearing the letters LMLK on jar handles, associated with the reign of the Biblical king Hezekiah of Judah.

    Found under controlled conditions by Gabriel Barkay during the excavation of an ancient burial chamber found was Ketef Hinnom scrolls. They were two small silver scrolls containing texts similar to, although not identical with, the Priestly Blessing from the Book of Numbers and parallel verses of Exodus (20:6) and Deuteronomy (5:10 and 7:9). They have been dated Immediately prior to 586 BC.

    Shechem temple Dated Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age Cf. the "House of (the god) Baalberith" in Judges 9.

    Dated Iron Age Tumuli located west of Jerusalem The 19 tumuli dating to the Judean monarchy possibly represent sites of memorial ceremonies for the kings as mentioned in 2 Chronicles 16:14, 21:19, 32:33, and the book of Jeremiah 34:5

    Boundary markers for Gezer walls and city gate. 1st century BC Hebrew inscriptions found engraved on rocks several hundred meters from the tel read "boundary of Gezer."

    Balaam texts Found during controlled excavations at Deir Alla, Jordan. The texts (painted in ink on a plastered wall and painstakingly reconstructed) describe the visions of seer named Balaam (cf. Numbers 22–24)

    Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III The obelisk depicts Jehu, son of Omri, king of Israel, and also mentions Hazael of Aram/Damascus/Syria (cf. 2 Kings 8–10)

    "Goliath" The ostracon (pottery fragment) is incised with nine letters representing two names (אלות and ולת) etymologically related to Goliath (גלית).

    Herod's tomb at Herodium

    Izbet Sartah ostracon – Dated 1200 – 1000 BC - 5 incised lines of 80–83 letters (readings of epigraphers vary), the last line being an abecedary.

    Jehoiachin's Rations Tablets –Dated 6th century BC Excavated from Babylon during 1899–1917 by Robert Koldewey, stored in a barrel-vaulted underground building consisting of rows of rooms near the Ishtar Gate

    Lachish ostraca -The ostraca (inscribed pottery fragments) describe conditions in Judah shortly before the first Babylonian invasion. Letter #3 mentions a warning from the prophet; letter #4 names Lachish and Azekah as among the last places being conquered (cf. Jeremiah 34:7); letter #6 describes a conspiracy reminiscent of Jeremiah38:19 and 39:9 using phraseology nearly identical to Jeremiah 38:4.

    Nebo-Sarsekim Tablet The tablet mentions a Babylonian official (Nebo-Sarsekim) who may be a identical with Sarsekim, an official mentioned in Jeremiah 39:3.

    Pim weights - Found at Gezer; many others found since. Inscribed with a translation of 1Samuel 13:21

    Lachish Reliefs Found during excavations of Sennacherib's palace at Nineveh The reliefs depict the Assyrian conquest of Lachish.

    Pontius Pilate Found in secondary use in a stairway of the Roman theater in Caesarea Insribed : "The prefect of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, erected the Tiberium (in honor of Tiberius Caesar)"

    Sargon II's Conquest of Samaria inscription Found at Khorsabad (modern Iran) in 1843 The inscription reads: "I besieged and conquered Samaria, led away as booty 27,290 inhabitants of it. ... The town I rebuilt better than it was before and settled therein people from countries which I myself had conquered." ( 2 Kings 17:23–24).

    Tiglath-Pileser III's inscriptions Found at Nimrud "I received the tribute of ... Jehoahaz of Judah" (incident not mentioned in the Bible); ANET 283: "As for Menahem I overwhelmed him ... I placed Hoshea as king over them." ( 2 Kings 15:19 and 17:3)

    Zayit Stone Limestone boulder incised with a abecedary and remnants of other inscriptions in a South Canaanite development of the basic Phoenician script common to the Palestinian Levant. The wall in which the boulder was found was sealed by a destruction layer dated to the 10th century BC, but the inscription pre-dates the destruction layer and may belong to the early-mid 11th century BC.

    Elephantine papyri Upper Egypt. The papyri are not from controlled excavations but their authenticity is undoubted. The papyri are from a Jewish community living in Egypt during the Persian Empire. They record, among other matters, the relationship of this community with the Temple in Jerusalem

    Kurkh Monolith Discovered by J.E. Taylor at Diyarbekir, Turkey, in 1861. This monolith of Shalmaneser III mentions "2,000 chariots, 10,000 foot soldiers of Ahab the Israelite"

    Siloam inscription in the Hezekiah tunnel, Jerusalem.- The tunnel was documented by Robinson in 1838,but the inscription (near the centre of tunnel, where the two work-gangs met) was not discovered until 1880. It was removed from Jerusalem the same year, and is presently in the Archaeological Museum at Istanbul.- The inscription records the completion of the tunnel, intended to bring water into.

    Norman Geisler, professor of theology, summarizes the findings of archaeology: "In every period of Old Testament history, we find that there is good evidence from archaeology that the Scriptures speak the truth. In many instances, the Scriptures even reflect firsthand knowledge of the times and customs it describes. While many have doubted the accuracy of the Bible, time and continued research have consistently demonstrated that the Word of God is better informed than its critics" (Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, 1998, p. 52).

    So, Lets Review..........................................................

    -The Biggest Major division that sets Christianity apart from other religions are the Prophecies in the old testament. These Prophecies reveal Precise Dates, Times and Events that tell about Jesus the Messiah, and the signs of our times.

    -One of the most compelling evidence is that Islam has no (zero) such prophecies of Mohammed; nor does the Hindu faith or any Old other faith such as Mormonism or cult. The Bible stands alone in EVERY WAY.

    -There are over 300 Prophecies Written about Christ. Many of which were before He was Born. Many of those Prophecies could not be manipulated such as the exact location of his birth, and the FAMILY Line he was to come through foretold in Prophecy.

    -The Prophecy of Daniel 69 reveals the exact date in time of the messiahs birth located in the Old Testament. SUCH accuracy and precision is astounding, revealed in Jesus's day, but many Prophecies are coming to pass in our day told by Jesus himself.

    -It is calculated that the chances of fulfilling just 48 prophecies are 1 chance in 10157 Yet Jesus Christ fulfilled over 300! - Affirmed by the American Scientific Affiliation Members

    -Many critics claim that the Bible is full of flaws, and has error. There are NO errors in the bible in the original documents. The People that claim "contradictions" are either failing to understand the context of the passages they are examining, or they have encountered a "scribal" or spelling mistake in our modern versions that were translated.

    -In 1947, the Dead Sea Scrolls were found and were dated 125 BC. They proved the bible was translated to the highest degree of accuracy. The dead sea scrolls was one example of accuracy, amongst over 24,000 ancient supporting documents that supported that the bible was copied with precision from the original documents.

    -The New Testament writers accounts were written within 20-30 years of Jesus death and resurrection, not 200 years. If the apostles writings were false, we would see an enormous amount of evidence from the people disputing the findings of the apostles about Jesus.

    -The most phenomenon evidence that SUPPORTS "supernatural inspiration" from YAHWEH is the ELS codes. Equidistant Letter Sequences are otherwise known as the Bible Codes. There are thousands of Codes in the Bible. The website lists just a few hundred.

    -This Phenomenon supports the statement that the bible is "supernaturally inspired" by YAHWEH himself through 40 writers over a time span of 1500 years. The most interesting amongst many codes is that within EVERY Prophecy about "the coming messiah" YESHUA is encoded in WITHIN THE Actual verse.

    -One of the most startling Bible Codes found is within (Isaiah 52-53)."He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed" The code found was "NAZARENE" , along with seventy- four 74 of the names, places, and events of the time period of Jesus of Nazareth in that tiny verse. Yet there are so many astounding examples of codes that are mathematically impossible in the bible codes.

    -The Person of Jesus can be found historically in the documents found from many non-biblical writers. The bible shows it self over and over again as vast discoveries are made through archeology. Large amounts of Impressive evidence resulting from Archeology found in towns and cites discovered, site names and dates that quiet skeptics from their harsh critism of the bible. Over and over again, the Bible shows itself to be extremely accurate in the scientific facts it claims backed up by archeology.

    -God has shown himself through design. This can be demonstrated though the discoveries of the intricate Bible Codes that are mathematically impossible in complexity. It was also in 1890, Ivan Panin revealed the astounding mathematical underlying in Greek text of the New Testament and in the Hebrew text of the Old testament generating over 43,000 detailed pages of numeral mathematics below the text of the bible. God has revealed himself through design found in the complexity of the human body, through DNA, and life he has created. Lloyd Carpender was the first to discover the mystery of the 4 images on the bottom of the Ocean Floor. It is fascinating to find new discoveries of the pictures mathematically liked to geology.

    -God has shown himself supernaturally to nations of people without Gods word. Millions of Muslims are receiving dreams that reveal Jesus, to those who are earnestly are seeking for the true God (YAHWEH) Millions of cited supernatural miracles have been brought forth in the name of Jesus today and through History. Due to medical research and technology, there are accounts of people experiencing Heaven and Hell on their death bed, and brought back through the advancements medical science. Evidence has proven that these people have detailed experiences of the operation room, conversations that have taken place while they are medically dead. Millions of accounts affirm the fact of Jesus saves, and without Jesus there is a Hell.

    -Today there are real Prophets that exist that pronounce Judgment on nations from the mouth of YAHWEH with the evidence of Signs in the sky or signs not produced by man. The true measure of a prophet is to account his testimony with the word of the BIBLE. It is interesting to notice that YAHWEH is predictable in his Judgment. The Evidence of God can be found on his festivals that these occurrences happen. Much of the church does not follow Yahweh's Festivals, New Moons, Sabbaths, and Jubilee Cycles found in the Old testament. Instead most Christians follow Pagan holidays such as Halloween and Christmas changed by the Catholic church. The various practices and testimony of the Catholic Church, Mormons, and Jehovah's Witnesses are not true representation of the Christian faith and the Bible. One of the most astonishing research on Gods' Judgment is the author William R. Koenig whom researches the consequences of dividing Israel and the correlation of natural disasters. All of the most costliest catastrophes in history occurred or began on the very same day or within 24-hours of U.S. presidents Bush, Clinton and Bush applying pressure on Israel to divide the land.

    -Historically, Scientifically, Mathematically, and Medically the bible has been proven accurate in every way. Amongst the vast evidence we have left out such as the Shroud of Turin, evidence from astronomy, and archeology, one of the most interesting happened on the day Jesus died on the cross for the worlds sins. He took the penalty of Hell for anyone that believed in him. On the very day Jesus died, over 80+ Prophecies came to pass as he died on the cross. The most exceptional evidence that-Jesus was God's (Yahweh's) Son -was an eclipse seen lasting many hours which is a rare occurrence. Furthermore, more astonishing, as Jesus died on the cross and an earthquake took place. Evidence has been found in writings of non-biblical secular accounts, as well it is sited in the Bible. YAHWEH shows himself over and over again, and the Bible can be trusted.

    Now, you can weigh the bible for yourself and put your beliefs to the test. The question is what will you do with the evidence? There is much more evidence for the truth of Christ's message than is presented here. THE POINT IS THAT EVIDENCE EXISTS. If the evidence is weak and unconvincing, then you can throw Christianity out and look elsewhere.

    "He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the **wrath of God abides on him." (John 3:36)

    But if the BIBLE is true, then what the bible SAYS AFFECTS you. Are you ready to gamble with the Consequences of Denying Christ's Deity with all this evidence? But if it is true, the message of Jesus Christ applies to you. And we must be willing to submit to it, regardless of what it says about us.

    Look at the evidence and if you want to receive Jesus , and accept His gift of salvation, it's a matter of believing in Jesus Christ, repenting of your sins, and turning the rest of your life over to Him. NO one can BUY his or her way into heaven, nor can we do this by our good works which is what every other "religion" teaches. The bible shows us that we are all sinners, we all have fallen short of the Glory of God.

    The below invitation is not a ritual based on specific words, but rather, a prayerful guideline for your sincere step of faith.

    "Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen."

    Luke 15:7-10 10In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

    Thank you for Reading Our Blog

    Michael and Meranda